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Tuning in problem

(6 posts)
  1. Reisser


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    Posts: 57


    When I first got my PVR it tuned into all the channels with no problem.

    However, after a rescan I ended up with loads of extra 800 channels which I had to delete.
    The problem is that one of the Muxes, I can't remember the Channel No but it's the one with STV,Channel 4 and 5 etc, just won't tune into the right place.
    By that I mean when they are in the correct order ie Channel 3, 4, 5 etc the signal strength is very low but when they are all grouped under Channel 0 (as they are now) then it is fine
    This is fine for recording from the EPG etc but a pest when I want watch a live programme.

    I have manually tuned all the muxes and they are all okay apart from this one.
    For some reason when it is tuning in it shows 20 channels found but only 10 appear under Channel 0.

    It's not bothering me too much at the moment but I dread the next rescan!

    I have tried all kinds of things like scanning without the aerial and then putting it back in but the result is always the same.

    I really hope this makes sense as it's a bit difficult to explain.
    I just can't understand why it was okay when I got it?

    I never had this problem with my 9200 and 9300 which used to tune into all the channels with no problems and put them in the correct order.

    | Fri 2 Dec 2011 13:30:18 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    It's consequence of DSO, as more transmitters around you complete DSO and increase power they get found on an autoscan. Problems arise when the ones you want use higher numbered uhf channels than the ones you don't want as a result get stored at 800 or up. If that's the case deleting the 800's is exactly the wrong thing to do. It gets even more complicated when the two (or more transmitters) use interleaved uhf frequencies, then your 800 plus is a mixture of what you want and don't want. You would have the same problems with the older SD pvrs.

    Solution is simple, find the 6 uhf channels (7 if pre dso) and manually tune them in turn after first deleting all your existing radio and TV channels. This is very likely to be the cause of your recording failure. If you need help post the transmitter you should be using.

    | Fri 2 Dec 2011 13:53:33 #2 |
  3. Biggles


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    Reisser, you may be able to adapt my SD model (9150/9200/9300) Manual Search instructions to your HD model, Martin has posted a modified version somewhere but I don't have time to look for it.

    The reason for doing a Manual Search is to target the six (five after DSO) multiplexes coming only from your preferred transmitter. The UHF channel numbers for your six/five multiplexes (digital channels) from your preferred transmitter can be obtained from the digitaluk web-site, enter your post code and also tick the "I am in the aerial installation trade" box. Your UHF channel numbers are in the grey columns in the Coverage prediction section. The compass bearing for the available transmitters at your address are also shown on the page so you can check to see which transmitter your aerial is actually pointing at. You should only use the transmitter that your aerial is pointing at.

    First you need to delete all existing channels.
    Menu > Edit Channels > Edit Channel Lists > Password (0000) and delete all channels, note there is a Select All button. If you were on a TV channel before going into the menu then TV channels will be listed first, delete them all. Go to Group, select Radio and delete all the radio channels. Press Exit on the remote control and when invited save all the changes.

    You will now get a message saying No channels are available……, press OK. You should now be taken to the Installation menu, choose Manual Search. Select the first UHF channel number obtained from the digitaluk web-site for Channel (actually the order doesn’t matter) and press Search. When the search completes, Save. Select the next UHF channel number for Channel and press Search.....Save. Repeat this for all six/five UHF channel numbers and to finish press the Exit button. You will now find all your Freeview channels on their correct channel numbers, good luck.

    | Fri 2 Dec 2011 16:12:08 #3 |
  4. Reisser


    senior member
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    Posts: 57


    Thanks both.

    I should have told you that I did indeed delete all channels and then carried out a manual search for all the differet muxes and they were all fine apart from the one Mux which I just can't get to tune in properly!

    When it does a manual search it shows that 20 channels were found but only 10 appears and they are all grouped under Channel 0.

    I can live with it but it's really frustrating as never had this problem before!

    | Fri 2 Dec 2011 18:08:53 #4 |
  5. User has not uploaded an avatar


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    This worked for me using the local Bluebell hill channels, 46 43 40+ 45 39+ 54 ( I couldn't figure out how to get the + so I just used 40 and 39 and that seemed fine ) All except 40+ came back with 95 tv and 24 radio found, for some reason 40+ came back with nothing. I set the network tune to enabled but I have no idea if that made a difference.
    This worked for me and I now have no channels in the 800's and the recordings are so far much better quality and channels are where I expect to find them, I also use a laptop and kaffiene to record freeview and with this I can select my local transmitter from a list, this would be a good feature to be included in new software updates. Hope these posts help any body else with this problem as I was about ready to bin the box.

    Thanks to all who posted tips for this problem.

    | Mon 5 Aug 2013 22:58:20 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    The + indicates the frequency used is a little higher than the standard frequency for the uhf channel.

    It's done to minimise interference from remote transmitters using the same nominal frequency under extreme weather conditions. It has no relevance when you tune as the tuner will lock on to the displaced frequency anyway.

    Welcome to the forum.

    | Tue 6 Aug 2013 9:10:03 #6 |

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