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Turning on problem

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    Trying hard

    junior member
    Joined: Dec '20
    Posts: 6


    My Humax FVP 5000T presents no problem when I press the start button. The red light turns to blue almost straight away.

    However, When I'm using my "smart TV", the box switchess off very quickly. I'm supposed to be able to re-start it by using the remote control for the TV. It doesn't work despite the fact that I have examined the tv's settings and these are set up for the tv remote to start the box.
    Any suggestions.

    Trying hard.

    | Tue 11 Jun 2024 18:16:53 #1 |
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    Trying hard

    junior member
    Joined: Dec '20
    Posts: 6


    I forgot to add that the remote for the Humax does not start the Humax box. It never has. The box always starts from pressing the button on the box.

    | Tue 11 Jun 2024 20:59:35 #2 |

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