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TV goes blank every 30 mins with box on standby

(9 posts)
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    Joined: May '18
    Posts: 37


    Every 30 mins, to the second, my TV goes blank for about 3 seconds. Box is on standby, power saving OFF or ON makes no difference. The box does not start up.

    I have to loop through the box because it has a signal booster, which in my area is essential.

    What ?

    | Sun 13 May 2018 10:53:01 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Any functions on unit enabled on timer eg

    Network server?
    Remote record?

    | Sun 13 May 2018 10:58:55 #2 |
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    I uninstalled the remote record last week in case it was that. Power ON and OFF are both OFF.

    | Sun 13 May 2018 11:35:44 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Oporus - 1 hour ago  » 
    Every 30 mins, to the second, my TV goes blank for about 3 seconds. Box is on standby, power saving OFF or ON makes no difference. The box does not start up.
    I have to loop through the box because it has a signal booster, which in my area is essential.
    What ?

    The gain of the loop through amplifier is tiny, are you sure you really need it. Uninstalling the app doesn't stop the repeated boots. You have to unpair the app.

    | Sun 13 May 2018 12:51:55 #4 |
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    With the signal goi g through the box I get a perfect picture. Plugged straight to the TV the picture breaks up and sound breaks. So the booster works well enough.
    Remote recording is set to OFF.

    | Sun 13 May 2018 16:38:07 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Oporus - 1 hour ago  » 
    With the signal goi g through the box I get a perfect picture. Plugged straight to the TV the picture breaks up and sound breaks. So the booster works well enough.
    Remote recording is set to OFF.

    If you need an amplifier it should be located as near as possible to the aerial. Ideally you should use a launch amplifier with a variable gain either on the actual aerial mast or say located in a loft. You can power an amplifier remotely using the coax cables. If the tiny gain designed only to eliminate the insertion loss makes such a big difference something else is wrong.

    I would start by replacing your coax interconnects with decent quality double screened interconnects made from satellite coax cable.

    It makes no sense that the around 1.5-2dB gain from the loop amplifier makes the signal robust.

    | Sun 13 May 2018 18:40:45 #6 |
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    Posts: 37


    Yeah ... thanks Graham ... I bought the box to watch TV programs ... not f**t about. I do not have the time to waste on something that should be so simple.

    Thanks ... you really are very clever ... we are all very impressed but no thanks.

    | Sun 13 May 2018 18:45:03 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Oporus - 1 hour ago  » 
    Yeah ... thanks Graham ... I bought the box to watch TV programs ... not f**t about. I do not have the time to waste on something that should be so simple.
    Thanks ... you really are very clever ... we are all very impressed but no thanks.

    If you can't be bothered to provide a decent signal in the first place and then blame the kit beggars belief

    I sometimes wonder why I bother, sarcasm isn't exactly appreciated.

    I have a loft aerial some 30 mls from a relay transmitter, and one launch amplifier, purely because of the number of tuners it supports.

    Apart from the launch amplifier all the kit is supported by passive splitters. No loop through is needed.

    Quick count

    2 x HDR-Fox-T2 - 4

    1 x HDR-5000T - 3

    Twin Tuner Panasonic TV - 2

    IP streaming Vbox Twin tuner box - 2

    11 tuners.

    All the kit has 100% quality with some mux as low as around 50% signal,

    Reception is 100% solid,

    Can I suggest rather than facetious comments you actually do some reading.

    If you connect your aerial directly to your TV rather than via loop through through any set top box and it does not work then there is something seriously wrong.

    Basically the built in rf amplifier is designed to merely replace the insertion loss and the small amount of extra cabling,

    Anything more would result in over amplifying the signal if 2 or more items were chained and producing front end clipping on any kit in the chain that have sensitive tuners capable of working with a weak signal.

    | Sun 13 May 2018 20:09:48 #8 |
  9. Barry


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    One post deleted.

    OP be very careful with your comments aimed at members who are only trying to be helpful.

    Thread closed.

    | Sun 13 May 2018 20:29:07 #9 |

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