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TV guide Navigation is slow/sluggish

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    In recent weeks the TV guide navigation has become really slow - Either navigating up/down through the channels or left/right through the timeline. Its taking a couple of seconds to move to the next channel or time slot.

    Navigation in any other areas of the Humax system (e.g. Media area where the saved recordings are or the system menu) is fine.

    Any suggestions?

    | Wed 19 Mar 2014 19:13:24 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    It's a known issue with firmware with 1:03:xx. Prior to the recent update you probably had 1:02:29.

    | Wed 19 Mar 2014 19:28:11 #2 |
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    Thanks for the quick response.

    I think you are right. I've checked my box and the firmware update to FHTCP 1.03.12 on 7th Feb 2014. Which is around the time this problems started occurring.

    Do you know if Humax aware so that it gets fixed in the next update?


    | Wed 19 Mar 2014 19:43:07 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    psinclair1969 - 4 minutes ago  » 

    Do you know if Humax aware so that it gets fixed in the next update?

    Yes - Barry confirmed they are aware in a thread re the new firmware.

    | Wed 19 Mar 2014 19:49:29 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    psinclair1969 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I think you are right. I've checked my box and the firmware update to FHTCP 1.03.12 on 7th Feb 2014. Which is around the time this problems started occurring.

    You are looking at the software release date not the OTA which occurred 2-28th February. The one thing that does somewhat improve performance (but doesn't restore it to anything like its original performance) is to trim down the number of recordings in the schedule by deleting series that have finished. Go into the Guide, press the yellow button and scroll down to the bottom of the list and delete any recordings where you know the series has finished by pressing the blue button. In our case we went from forty scheduled recordings, twenty of which were for series that had finished. This made a very noticeable improvement to the performance.

    | Wed 19 Mar 2014 21:15:53 #5 |
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    reducing the schedule made very little difference to me, although I had only around a dozen live scheduled and around 5-6 dead and finished. Getting rid of channels you don't use also improves performance slightly.

    Most of the people in the know will use the programme up/down and FF/RWD (jump) buttons to spring to the next EPG section and then put up with the sloooow scroll to centre the EPG to suit. Sometimes it's just quicker and easier to exit out and go back in again.

    Some people aren't bothered by it at all, they're the ones in a restaurant will dart their eyes to a completely different section of a menu and still follow it, I tend to digest information line by line and I've got used to things following on naturally, I like to see the timeline flow. Other people aren't bothered as they don't scroll, but search using 'find' instead, which just seems bizarre to me, going back to the restaurant scenario, I haven't got a clue what's on the menu, I just pick and choose what I feel like at that moment.

    It all goes to show that we all use the EPG and our Humaxes, viewing etc. in different ways. Navigation through the EPG has become a lot lot slooower whichever method people use. You've only got to revert to an older pre 1.03x version or a HD-fox-t2 to see how much quicker programme up/down, jumping/springing and scrolling used to be. The 1.03x version is painfully slow, clear out the schedule and channels and get used to the programme up/down FF/RWD etc. buttons for now until Humax hopefully fix what they broke.

    | Wed 19 Mar 2014 22:02:27 #6 |

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