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UHD-4X-500 pin being asked for and App not working

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    I have just replaced my Humax HDR-1100S Recorder (dead hard disc) with a Humax 4k recorder UHD-4X-500

    (they do a 1TB and 2TB version)

    I’m not totally happy with it so far.

    It has locked up once – so far – I am expecting it to do it again, the remote control was not being seen apart from power on and off button but the box came back playing the same recording.

    I had to remove the power from the box.

    I have only had it a few days!!! So not in love with it yet. It may be going back to the shop.

    But the two main issue I have with it are;

    a) Although parental control is not set, it keeps asking for the pin code (0000) for recordings after the watershed, which is most of my recording.

    b) The Android App will not let me set recordings.

    I have logged into the App and the Box with the same email address and both the box and the App see the correct box paired with it.

    If I delete programs on the box the app doesn’t reflect this. However, if I set a program to record on the box the App sees that!

    I have deleted the App from my phone twice and run a lean up on the phone and rebooted before I re-installed the App.

    Not sure the software in this box is up to muster.

    Does anyone have any thoughs or suggestions?


    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 20:12:28 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    What's a UHD-4X-500 ? Where are you located ?

    This is not a box we have in the UK.

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 20:28:58 #2 |
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    it's the Humax 4k free-sat box by Arris

    i just purchased it from Currys

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 20:33:55 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    hattie - 21 mins ago  » 
    it's the Humax 4k free-sat box by Arris
    i just purchased it from Currys

    It isn't a Humax box; they lost the Freesat contract. The manufacturer is Arris.

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 20:55:56 #4 |
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    I am mistaken...


    may return it after all.

    but what freesat box to buy

    pity the firmware is so dodgy

    | Mon 10 Aug 2020 21:06:35 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    hattie - 10 hours ago  » 
    but what freesat box to buy

    I think your only option for a new Freesat box is the Arris; you could get a new hard drive fitted to your Humax box to keep you going while the Arris box software matures.

    | Tue 11 Aug 2020 8:04:07 #6 |
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    Thanks for the suggestion, I will open the box and see about replacing the hard disc.

    >while the Arris box software matures
    This firmware is still in diapers...

    Also, a minor thing; the remote control doesn't have a button to take you directly to the recordings, you have to go through the menu system.

    seems a strange omission for a box designed to RECORED!

    maybe it's just me.

    and having the play and pause button on the same rocker switch side-by-side is a pain.

    if it was vertical like on my harmony remote then it would be ok.

    thankfully I now have the harmony programmed up and made a sequence to directly access the recordings.

    but my point is, Arris haven't thought it through properly from a users' point of view.

    ah well... such is life... there are worse issue in the world than an inconvienient remote control

    | Tue 11 Aug 2020 18:50:25 #7 |

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