My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Unable to play MP3 recordings in VLC

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    Radar59 - 3 hours ago  » 
    Actually I'm using VLC to recode the files to reduce their size.

    On HDR-FOX T2, HD-FOX T2, HDR-2000T and HDR-1800T the audio only recordings can be reduced savagely without any recoding. Those models record all the epg for every channel which bloats the recording by up to 600% larger than it needs to be!
    What I do is run it through FFMPEG extracting the audio stream with no recoding. That brings the file size down by at least 75% with no loss of quality what so ever.

    Or is that what you meant by 'recode'?

    | Tue 16 Aug 2016 20:33:27 #11 |
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    junior member
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    Hi, Thanks for the reply again.

    Sorry for the time taken to reply.

    The FVP4000T lists the radio recordings with an MP3 extension but using FFMPEG to check the file contents it does show that the audio is MP2. A 30 minute recording is over 200Mb and converting either by VLC or FFMPEG then gets it down to just over 50Mb.

    | Mon 22 Aug 2016 16:44:22 #12 |

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