My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Unexpected message - The HDD Storage must be formatted...

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    junior member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 6


    Bought my HDR-FOX T2 April this year (2011). All good. No problems until now. I have been on holiday for two weeks. Left the HDR-FOX T2 switched on as always to record various series link/scheduled items.

    Come back today and the unit is working fine using the guide and information button. HOWEVER, when you press the MEDIA button nothing works.

    So I switched it off and back on again and I get the attached message.

    It suggests that the HDD has never been formatted.

    However, the device still knows my channel preferences (labelled 'Willows') and still has the recording preferences stored (see attachements).

    Any idea how to get this up and running? I really don't want to do the HDD Format if it can be avoided as there are various recorded programmes (recorded prior and during my holiday) which the family want to watch.

    Any ideas?



    1. Humax_HDR-FOX_T2_-_Pic_04_-_Scheduled_.jpg (86.1 KB, 0 downloads) 13 years old
    2. Humax_HDR-FOX_T2_-_Pic_03_-_HDD_Info.jpg (67.9 KB, 0 downloads) 13 years old
    3. Humax_HDR-FOX_T2_-_Pic_02_-_formatting.jpg (46.7 KB, 5 downloads) 13 years old
    4. Humax_HDR-FOX_T2_-_Pic_01_-_Start_up_v.jpg (64.1 KB, 0 downloads) 13 years old
    | Wed 10 Aug 2011 21:07:29 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    psinclair1969 - 37 minutes ago  » I have been on holiday for two weeks. Left the HDR-FOX T2 switched on as always to record various series link/scheduled items.

    Do you mean fully on or in standby?

    | Wed 10 Aug 2011 21:46:40 #2 |
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    junior member
    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 6


    I think I left it on Fully.

    | Thu 11 Aug 2011 18:29:15 #3 |

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