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Universal remote

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    Is anyone using one for the Humax and can recommend a make/model etc

    I now have the following controls, Panasonic Smart TV, Panasonic sound bar, Humax 1000s, Sony recorder, Apple TV, Pioneer DVD/audio and Lindy Optical switcher, that could be combined into one universal if possible.

    | Thu 14 Nov 2013 14:57:28 #1 |
  2. -gonzo-


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    I'm using a One For All 6+3 Smart Control.

    | Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:26:18 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    I use a Harmony 555 with 9 activities programmed out of its maximum of 15 and 12(*) devices out of 15.

    (*) Includes a dummy TV to allow extra flexibility programming audio only activities and a Status device to manually turn kit on and off from one place.

    | Thu 14 Nov 2013 18:25:49 #3 |
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    It appears the 555 is an old model and that the Ultimate and 650 are now their current models. My only concern is the Lindy 4 Way TosLink Digital Optical Audio Switch so I have email Lindy to ask if it will work with these units. thanks

    | Thu 14 Nov 2013 19:13:03 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    Just running the Add Device routine and it knows about Lindy switches. If you tell us the model number I can check if that specific one is already in their database although, at a guess, they all use the same codeset. Failing that, you could use Learning Mode to teach your universal of choice the codes. Fortunately not that many to learn on a switch.

    | Thu 14 Nov 2013 23:20:10 #5 |
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    Hi, thanks this is the model 70416,

    PS, there's a 555 on the great auction site which I might bid on.

    | Fri 15 Nov 2013 5:04:11 #6 |
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    Given the above, I have purchased a One For All URC-7960 Smart Control and it is programmed successfully to control my TV, Denon amp and Humax 1000.Re. the latter I would appreciate advice on how to set up my One for All to a) record from and b) view my recordings on the Humax. Many thanks in anticipation

    | Wed 4 Dec 2013 18:39:28 #7 |
  8. -gonzo-


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    monterey - 14 minutes ago  » 
    Given the above, I have purchased a One For All URC-7960 Smart Control and it is programmed successfully to control my TV, Denon amp and Humax 1000.Re. the latter I would appreciate advice on how to set up my One for All to a) record from and b) view my recordings on the Humax. Many thanks in anticipation

    Just use the learning function to copy the original functions to buttons of your choice.
    Myself I've set mine up so they match pretty much on identical named buttons, for others I've got Video for Recordings, Pop Up for Home menu, Audio for Search.

    | Wed 4 Dec 2013 18:58:03 #8 |
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    Price is really good but some reviews do not bode well if you have a Panasonic I do.

    | Wed 4 Dec 2013 20:19:32 #9 |
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    Thanks Gonzo. how do i operate/use the learning function. cannot find it in the sketchy documentation supplied.

    | Wed 4 Dec 2013 20:19:32 #10 |

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