My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » FOXSAT HDR

Update ??

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    Joined: Aug '20
    Posts: 13


    I have a HUMAX Foxsat-hdr bought from eBay.

    Can this box be updated anyhow, when I go to "auto update" it says it's up to date, but I think this box must be a older generation model, so is there any other way to do it.


    | Fri 21 Aug 2020 15:37:01 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Tomtomm - 5 mins ago  » 
    I have a HUMAX Foxsat-hdr bought from eBay.

    There hasn't been an official software update for the FOXSAT for a long time as far as I know. The latest version is available from

    What are you hoping an update will do?

    | Fri 21 Aug 2020 15:46:36 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    The last update was a rushed out fix during the London Olympics (2012) due to a bug stopping recording of the red button channels.

    We thought for a while that the move of the home transponder to a UK spot beam on a slightly different frequency might have needed an update. In the end the box locked on to the transponder without any updates being required.

    | Fri 21 Aug 2020 16:51:12 #3 |
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    Thanks for the reply...I was hoping to solve the problem with my "back button"(As it doesn't) and the delay in the guide showing, it's so slow ....

    | Fri 28 Aug 2020 17:34:03 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Tomtomm - 34 mins ago  » 
    Thanks for the reply...I was hoping to solve the problem with my "back button"(As it doesn't) and the delay in the guide showing, it's so slow ....

    The last one is simple. Set a daily power on timer at 0800 BBC1-HD at 0800 Volume Max . Set a power off timer at 08:15.

    Do not press the guide button to display the epg.

    Press the schedule button and then red. You should get a near instant epg from the copy stored in NV Ram. This is constantly updated while the box is on.

    The fast NVram epg is cleared during overnight housekeeping. The 15 min period is long enough to rebuild it.

    I vaguely remember a fix for the back button but as I never use it and can't find a post detailing this, If I do I will post it.

    Back button fix 18 years ago ( I was 56 yrs old then and still working).

    | Fri 28 Aug 2020 18:13:40 #5 |
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    Thanks very much, looking good

    | Mon 31 Aug 2020 17:06:45 #6 |

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