Hi - Upgraded to the 2000T after many years of relatively trustworthy service from my 9200 which I consider probably my most revolutionary piece of tech gear of the century so far. Overall I'm really impressed with the 2000T but there's a few things that I feel could have still been improved:
EPG UI: In a world of HD, do we really need to still have such a huge font in the programme list suc... tha... mos... wor.. are cut off?
I miss the clock - would have happily paid a few extra quid to keep that.
Status Light: Stupid! If you are going to cost reduce down to a multicolour LED, at least make it unambibguous! Ideally I would have preferred 2 lights, one for off/standby/on and one for record. Or at least had a 3rd colour.
It's also way too big & bright.
Fast play: is no longer smooth at x2 - at first I thought this was just on HD but it happens on SD too. Strangely though reverse x2 IS smooth!
Scanning through the time bar with < and > accelerates from minutes to 10's of minutes much too quickly so you always miss the bit you are tryingto get to. one of those features where you think "did someone actually try this out and think 'yeah, that works'"?
I get a lot of "Failed to record" warnings when there is only a small dropout in an otherwise totally watchable programme. A slightly less terminal warning might be better.
But aside from that, I love it!