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USB format difficulties

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    Hello - I have a Foxsat HDR and want to copy a recording onto a 32GB USB. The Foxsat recognised the USB and all was well until I tried to copy - I got a message saying unable to copy larger than 4G. So, I discovered how to reformat into EXFAT using disc utility on my macbook. All went well until I put the USB into the Foxsat again. Now it reads 'cannot read USB...format USB device to EXT3 or FAT16/32 on your pc'. The USB is/was FAT 32 but it has to be exfat to copy files exceeding I missing something. Apologies for the length of this post...I would appreciate any advice prior to throwing this human out of the window!! Thank you in advance.

    | Fri 20 Jul 2018 16:45:27 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    JMc - 5 minutes ago  » 
    So, I discovered how to reformat into EXFAT using disc utility on my macbook. All went well until I put the USB into the Foxsat again. Now it reads 'cannot read USB...format USB device to EXT3 or FAT16/32 on your pc'. The USB is/was FAT 32 but it has to be exfat to copy files exceeding I missing something.

    the Humax doesn't support the EXFAT file system. So for a program over 4GB your only options are the Linux EXT2 or EXT3 file systems.

    | Fri 20 Jul 2018 16:53:29 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Alternatively install the custom firmware and copy the files directly to a computer either using Samba or FTP.

    | Fri 20 Jul 2018 17:46:14 #3 |
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    Thank you for both responses - very helpful. A quick search tells me that Mac OS does not support EXT2 for Linux so maybe I'll look into custom firmware. Thank again - much appreciated.

    | Fri 20 Jul 2018 17:51:45 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    JMc - 11 minutes ago  » 
    Thank you for both responses - very helpful. A quick search tells me that Mac OS does not support EXT2 for Linux so maybe I'll look into custom firmware. Thank again - much appreciated.

    You could also boot your MAC into linux using a usb distro.

    Note if using a usb hard drive with a Foxsat it has to be EXT3.

    | Fri 20 Jul 2018 18:04:25 #5 |
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    Brilliant - and thanks for the tip.

    | Fri 20 Jul 2018 18:50:29 #6 |
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    I have now managed to format in EXT - my only choices are extfs2 -3 or extfs4. I have just tried extfs3 and the humax can read it but says the disc has no room? Any thoughts?

    | Sat 21 Jul 2018 16:03:55 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    JMc - 19 hours ago  » 
    I have now managed to format in EXT - my only choices are extfs2 -3 or extfs4. I have just tried extfs3 and the humax can read it but says the disc has no room?

    What is the capacity of the USB drive you are using?

    | Sun 22 Jul 2018 11:13:56 #8 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    Guessing the recording will be HD as only a very long SD recording would exceed 4GB. HD is encrypted so if you managed to copy it to USB you still can only play it back on the machine that recorded it.

    If you are really stuck remove the usb drive from it's case (drive must be 1TB or smaller), disconnect the internal drive and connect the usb hard drive to the Foxsat data and power connections. Start up the Foxsat and let it initialise the disk. Power Off and replace the original HDD. The usb drive now formatted should work fine when connected to the usb port.

    The partition used for recordings is SDA3.

    Installing the custom firmware and using the web interface to access the box is by far the best solution.

    | Sun 22 Jul 2018 17:44:05 #9 |

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