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usb software update failed why?

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    old grumpy

    Joined: Jan '15
    Posts: 17


    Just bought HDR1800T, and have downloaded software file sent from Humax customer support, to a usb pen. Followed instructions but the usb did not download on the Humax. Is there a reason why this failed. I will be ringing Humax on their next working day. Will suggest that as they have told me the software download through the aerial is 3 to 4 weeks away, that they send me a usb pen with the file downloaded to,willing to pay a reasonable amount.Very disappointing that this model is sold with no warning to the would be purchaser.

    | Sat 17 Jan 2015 21:41:59 #1 |
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    old grumpy - 27 minutes ago  » 
    Is there a reason why this failed.

    Yes there will be...

    However pretty much impossible to say without looking over your shoulder or alternatively being furnished with more details.

    There seems to be a higher than average number of people now having problems updating their 1800T/2000T via USB

    What's always worked for me, so long as you've nothing important on the usb pen, if so copy it off, is a full format of the usb pen, not a quick format, but a proper full format, only takes a few minutes. Next unzip the Humax file if necessary, should have a .hdf ending to the filename, copy that over to the newly proper formatted usb pen, click on the 'safely remove hardware' icon or wait 30 seconds after the copy finishes before removing the usb pen and putting it in the Humax. Continue with the update as per Humax instructions.

    If that fails try another usb pen if available. Any 2/4/8GB usb pen freshly fully formatted to FAT32 or any 1GB and smaller usb pen fully freshly formatted to FAT with no errors should always work.

    If there are still problems, let us know size of usb pen, file format on it, name of Humax file and size, also current software version on the 1800T

    | Sat 17 Jan 2015 22:32:37 #2 |
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    old grumpy

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    Posts: 17


    Thanks for your promt reply.Ihave now fully formated the usb stick.Situation now is screen message usb connected,and then 4 pictures last one is picture of the box, which when i click on does not mention updates.Iam on software 1.00.27 , the file downloaded is 28,556whatever, version 1.01.06. with .hdf.The USB stick is new ,only contains the one file, 8gb.The instructions given to start the download are to press the down channel on the front V and the download should start.So what next ?

    | Sun 18 Jan 2015 11:51:35 #3 |


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    You need to start with the unit in standby. Insert the stick press and hold the down button THEN press the On button.

    Edit: Thought this was a Foxsat thread - This unit may or may not be the same.

    | Sun 18 Jan 2015 11:57:21 #4 |
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    old grumpy

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    Thanks but makes no difference,the last picture of the box, which says copy is asking what do i want to copy to the usb stick.

    | Sun 18 Jan 2015 12:04:23 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    You are not doing it correctly.

    See FAQ Start at para 3.

    | Sun 18 Jan 2015 12:08:37 #6 |
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    old grumpy

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    All that happens is 4 pictures with different options,which seem to be options to put things on the usb stick.Continually pressing down V causes blue light only causes channel numbers to appear,and if let go of V that channel comes on

    | Sun 18 Jan 2015 12:28:23 #7 |


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    Suggest you read again:
    "• Disconnect the product from the mains socket/remove the power cable from the rear.
    • Insert the USB memory stick into the usb port on the product
    • Reconnect power whilst simultaneously pressing/touching the channel down button on front of product, keep pressing/touching until...
    • The Download progress appears on your TV screen - on the front of the product the LED should flash purple whilst updating."

    If you do exactly that, and the file is correctly named and in the root folder of the stick it will be seen.

    | Sun 18 Jan 2015 12:37:43 #8 |
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    old grumpy

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    Ihave had a EURIKA moment, and have managed to download the update to the box.Thank you to all, the error was that I did not open the file before sending to the stick.Humax were not prepared to send a usb stick and also said the aerial download could be anytime, not necessarily the next few weeks.If I did not have a computer or access to one, I would be asking for my money back, and writing to the national papers telling them of this flaw in the box which is not mentioned when you buy it

    | Mon 19 Jan 2015 11:43:26 #9 |
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    I'm glad you've had your EURIKA moment

    and thanks for letting us know where the problem lay.

    You raise an interesting point though, one that I guess most of us would never ever consider.

    There's really no reason for Humax CS to be sending out a zipped file in an email to a customer, the difference in size is negligible, compressing the binary saves next to nothing.

    Obviously having the version number as part of the zipped name is necessary under normal circumstances however; when specifically sending out a file in an email to a specific customer zipping it only adds an extra hoop for the customer to jump through

    | Mon 19 Jan 2015 13:02:10 #10 |

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