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usb software update failed why?

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    Martin Liddle

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    damian - 18 minutes ago  » 
    There's really no reason for Humax CS to be sending out a zipped file in an email to a customer, the difference in size is negligible, compressing the binary saves next to nothing.

    There is a good reason; zip files have a built in integrity check so that any corruption during transmission (web download, ftp, email etc) will be detected; whether this matters as the hdf file also has an integrity check is a bit moot but in things like this I favour a belt and braces approach.

    | Mon 19 Jan 2015 13:24:56 #11 |
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    Given the Loop-through update is not a perfect solution in any event (I haven't found it plays altogether nicely with the Panasonic ET60 series TVs) I would recommend using a passive splitter to be a more than trouble free alternative.

    The added bonus being you can use low power standby. I would still download the update as there are one or two bug fixes included.

    You can see the issues I have found with the update HERE

    | Tue 27 Jan 2015 13:27:53 #12 |
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    I have just tried updating to the 1.01.06 s/w this morning on my HDR-2000T. I downloaded the file onto a brand new pre-formatted (FAT32) Sandisk Facet USB 8GB.
    Following the update instructions and using the front USB socket, I tried several times, both holding the V button and repeatedly tapping it. It would not work.

    When booted normally with the old software system, the Sandisk USB showed in storage as a Sandisk Facet USB so the Humax did recognise it.

    Finally, I did a full format on an older Sandisk Cruzer U 4GB USB stick and copied the same file onto it (in both cases into root and no other files except the update file).

    I first tried holding the V button when powering on and it failed again. I then tried rapidly tapping the V button when powering on and this time it came up on the TV screen with the update.

    So - using Humax's own instructions - "it may not work with all USB sticks", it looks like it is a hit and miss process until you find one that works. I don't know if the 8GB USB works or not, I am not going back to try it again.

    Maybe Humax only did a product release test using one USB type?

    | Tue 27 Jan 2015 14:07:36 #13 |
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    old grumpy

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    I only tried one usb stick an unused 8GB VERBATIM bought from Asda for under £10 pounds.Once it was opened and dragged into the stick everything worked.It was in fat32 and fully formatted.

    | Tue 27 Jan 2015 14:45:29 #14 |


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    The loader on Humax units which is responsible for flashing new firmware and starting the main application is quite basic in it's USB handling. All sticks I have tried work with the application but this is no guide to if they will work with the loader.

    Tips: Go for a smallish capacity freshly formatted FAT32 sticks (deleted files are thought by some posters to cause problems.)

    Check file name is precise, including case, and it must be in the root folder.

    | Tue 27 Jan 2015 14:59:34 #15 |

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