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Using FVP 4000T with Youview box??

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    I am a very happy user of the FVP4000T box, however I am looking to get BT Sport from my broadband supplier Plusnet. It seems as though this means using a Youview box supplied by Plusnet. Is it possible to somehow use the Youview box and my FVP4000T together so that I can continue to use the great recording (and other) facilities of the FVP4000T? Basically I would love to see the BT Sport channels on my FVP4000T so that I can record them when required.

    If this is a totally dumb question, has anyone any other suggestions as to how to 'add' BT Sport.

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 16:40:12 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    No problem - either use the aerial loop through to include the new box in the aerial chain or fit a TV splitter to give the Youview box a discrete aerial feed. Just connect the new box to a different HDMI input on the TV. Select what you want to watch by selecting the appropriate HDMI input on the TV.

    You should be able to record up to 6 channels using both boxes.

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 16:43:20 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Also note if your FVP 4000T is using the default remote code you will have to change it otherwise the FVP remote will also operate the YouView unit.

    See FAQ

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 17:01:55 #3 |
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    He wants to record BT Sport on his 4000 ...

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 17:09:56 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    BB - 9 minutes ago  » 
    He wants to record BT Sport on his 4000 ...

    Not possible at least without other kit. Like any other pvr you can only record from the built in tuners. There are no inputs on a 4000T nor on any other proper pvr other than the aerial.

    Might be possible using a digital modulator, but I imagine that may not work as well.

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 17:21:32 #5 |
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    Thanks for your replies guys.

    Can I just confirm my understanding:

    1. There is no problem connecting a Youview box to a different HDMI input on the TV and then choosing either the FVP4000T input or the Youview input.

    2. It is, however, impossible to get BT Sport recorded on my FVP4000T because it is not coming from its built in tuners.

    Please confirm.

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 17:43:59 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    mikeineasenhall - 1 minute ago  » 
    Thanks for your replies guys.
    Can I just confirm my understanding:
    1. There is no problem connecting a Youview box to a different HDMI input on the TV and then choosing either the FVP4000T input or the Youview input.
    2. It is, however, impossible to get BT Sport recorded on my FVP4000T because it is not coming from its built in tuners.
    Please confirm.

    It might be possible using the Digital Modulator I linked to. Only way though is to try it.

    You would need a HDMI splitter on the Youview box to feed the TV and the modulator HDMI in. The modulator provides a DVB-T HD single channel MUX using the UHF carrier of your choice. You would route the aerial feed to the 4000T via the modulator and choose a uhf carrier not used by your local transmitter.

    Using manual tune on the 4000T you would manually tune to the UHF carrier you have set on the modulator. Then at least in theory you could watch the output of the Youview box via the 4000T and possibly manually record the stream. Guessing we haven't any members here who have actually tried this approach. Luke might know if it will work. As you can see digital modulators aren't cheap, there is a cheaper one at about £100.00 available.

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 17:54:12 #7 |
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    Thanks very much

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 18:02:25 #8 |
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    mikeineasenhall - 2 hours ago  » 
    Can I just confirm my understanding:
    1. There is no problem connecting a Youview box to a different HDMI input on the TV and then choosing either the FVP4000T input or the Youview input.

    Out of the box the remotes will clash as the default is that they both use the same codes.
    You will need to change the remote code mode for the FVP4000T.
    For how to do this see

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 20:44:24 #9 |
  10. Barry


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    Post #3 Luke

    | Wed 10 Jan 2018 21:00:34 #10 |

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