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Version 1.02.26 Released?

(10 posts)
  1. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    It has been reported that a Humax HDR Fox T2 replacement unit recently received by a customer had version FHTCP 1.02.26 Firmware installed dated Jan 3rd 2012, Did this version 'escape' by accident?, does anyone know what changes are included?

    | Tue 3 Apr 2012 12:35:15 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Umm was not aware it went into production. It was not released because of continuing AD (Audio Description) issue, however it does contain some new features.

    1. Pop up on screen dependant on what device you have selected, but only works with the MDB version remote.

    2. HDD Test via Data Storage Menu.

    It is not the latest version, which has some fixes, but news on that when I can.

    | Tue 3 Apr 2012 17:45:26 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    I've edited the above to correct some info re location of HDD test facility.

    It was also pointed out to me that some would have no idea what AD was, so have added to that.

    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 7:49:23 #3 |
  4. chrisdaniels


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    Good to know Humax are still developing for the box.

    This is what is so frustrating about Humax though - why not at least broadcast that they are working on certain fixes/improvements even if not going into details about what exactly they are cooking up.

    Also, why is this not available on the beta site? I know they don't have to publish it, but it begs the question "why not?" when its made its way into the supply chain (albeit in error).

    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 8:13:30 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    chrisdaniels - 56 minutes ago  » 
    This is what is so frustrating about Humax though - why not at least broadcast that they are working on certain fixes/improvements even if not going into details about what exactly they are cooking up.

    I would guess that the problem is that once you have announced something is in the works then people start getting impatient and demanding it before it is ready. If nothing is announced then work can continue until it is fit for release.

    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 9:12:43 #5 |
  6. chrisdaniels


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    True, but there will always be impatient people no matter what happens or is announced. Its the communication (or lack of) that really lets the good work that Humax do, down.

    A prime example would be Sky Player. Considering they "announced" it on the packaging at launch, sent out beta copies to the press to review it ages ago, they have kept everyone in the dark on what is happening and why it is still AWOL.
    To at least put out a press release to say its either cancelled or it is delayed because of reason x, y or z would appease any interested customers.

    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 9:47:40 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    chrisdaniels - 52 minutes ago  » 
    A prime example would be Sky Player. Considering they "announced" it on the packaging at launch, sent out beta copies to the press to review it ages ago, they have kept everyone in the dark on what is happening and why it is still AWOL.
    To at least put out a press release to say its either cancelled or it is delayed because of reason x, y or z would appease any interested customers.

    I agree with you on that point. Given that it was advertised on the packaging of the box, I do think Humax should release some information about the current status.

    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 10:42:53 #7 |
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    Purchased my HDR-FOX T2 1TB this weekend and it came with this 1.02.26

    | Tue 19 Jun 2012 21:41:03 #8 |
  9. aciddad


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    I've had my grade A HDR-FOX T2 for 1 week and it is 1.02.26

    | Thu 21 Jun 2012 17:36:32 #9 |
  10. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    1.02.28 will be OTA'ed on the 27th June see LINK HERE

    | Sat 23 Jun 2012 23:54:38 #10 |

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