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Viera Link and other questions

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    Hi everyone.

    I have a couple of questions. One easy, one slightly stupid and one I haven't thought of yet.

    1, Does the Foxsat HDR have Viera Link (I forgot the generic name) funtionality, my roomate pitches a bitch fit every morning because the TV comes on with a "no signal" and she just can't understand that she needs to turn the HDR on in order to watch the TV.

    2. is there no way of compiling a divx codec or such on the humax so we can play videos without conversion?

    3. is there anyway of fixing the crappy range / angle of the remote control sensor on the box?

    | Sat 20 Oct 2012 16:37:50 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    3. Make sure you have removed the protective film from *both* sides of the drop-down flap. Your box may have a coating on this flap which is not helping and scratching this away where it covers the sensor may help improve matters.

    | Sat 20 Oct 2012 17:33:14 #2 |
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    Ah many thanks. Ill gve the scratching thing a go.

    I feel like I've stole your name, my apologies.

    | Sat 20 Oct 2012 17:45:01 #3 |


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    There is film on the LED display as well. This is the one that is missed by most.

    | Sat 20 Oct 2012 17:56:32 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Viera link is the Panasonic name for CEC hdmi auto selection. The Foxsat doesn't have it, even if it did it wouldn't help. Your TV remembers the last input used and selects it automatically. The Foxsat has a auto on/off capability, restore harmony by setting a on timer before SHMBO gets up

    Menu/Settings/Time from memory

    | Sat 20 Oct 2012 18:04:43 #5 |
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    Yeah that the name of it. I completly forgot LOL.

    the timer sounds like a good work around.

    Many thanks dude.

    | Sat 20 Oct 2012 20:10:34 #6 |
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    On 3. - yes a codec could be compiled I guess but the thing is that all the video processing and playing to the HDR's audio/video outputs takes place within the Humax proprietary settop application plus the onboard hardware, neither of which can be controlled programatically by the custom firmware (even the web interface remote just emulates the signals sent to the settop program by the actual remote). So no go I'm afraid!

    | Sat 20 Oct 2012 21:11:47 #7 |

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