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Viewing DTV without turning box on

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    Hi all,

    I had a query about the Humax HDR-1800T model I've recently purchased. It's working fine, however the only way I can get signal through the DTV option on my TV is by turning the box on and it's just a bit annoying as it makes starting up the TV take a bit longer. Is this essential or is it to do with the way it's all set up? I have an aerial coming from the wall into the box, and then coming out of the box to the TV.

    Thanks for any help.

    | Wed 19 Oct 2016 15:12:20 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    To enable loop through in sby you have to turn off power saving in sby.

    Alternatively fit a aerial splitter before the box and give the TV a seperate feed to save some power.

    | Wed 19 Oct 2016 15:15:24 #2 |
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    I also have a problem getting a signal to my DTV when using my Humax HDR 1800T. I have turned off power saving in sby as suggested and tried using a splitter to give the box and the TV separate feeds. I have also tried connecting the aerial through the box and to the TV. Howver, in both cases, as soon as I connect the Humax I get "weak signal" and no picture on certain channels.
    I have very recently had a new aerial fitted professionally, so I do not believe it is the aerial or the cable.
    Should I be able to view the TV channels while the Humax is in standby or can I only connect the Humax to my aerial and use it all the time using just the HDMI cable to connect to the TV?

    | Sat 28 Jan 2017 1:03:20 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ignatiusdragon - 8 hours ago  » 
    I also have a problem getting a signal to my DTV when using my Humax HDR 1800T. I have turned off power saving in sby as suggested and tried using a splitter to give the box and the TV separate feeds. I have also tried connecting the aerial through the box and to the TV. Howver, in both cases, as soon as I connect the Humax I get "weak signal" and no picture on certain channels.

    It should work either way. Which channels have no picture?

    | Sat 28 Jan 2017 9:19:47 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Try disconnecting the Humax HDR HDMI cable both ends. If you now turn on the Humax do you now get all the channels on your TV.

    If so the problem is the HDMI cable is interfering with your coax cable to the TV.

    Seperate the aerial leads from the hdmi cable, ideally replace the coax cables with double screened satellite grade cable. Use a fully metal screened splitter, not one of the cheap plastic ones.

    | Sat 28 Jan 2017 9:39:13 #5 |
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    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Firstly, the channels I lose are 55, 56, 57, 63, 67, 71, 77, 81, 82, 86, 87, 91, 95, 106, 107, 109, 110 and 124 plus more in the 200 range. All are ok when the aerial is plugged directly into the TV. I have also realised that I get the message "The receiver is not receiving a signal or the signal is too weak" when using a splitter rather than connecting the aerial to the TV through the Humax. However, it is a plastic splitter so I will have to get a metal screened splitter to see if there is any difference.

    Secondly, I have tried disconnecting the HDMI lead and get back a few channels in the 50's and 80's but most still come up as the signal being too weak.

    The coax cable from the aerial is double screened.

    | Mon 30 Jan 2017 10:29:30 #6 |

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