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Vintage TV channels recordings all abort

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    new member
    Joined: Apr '15
    Posts: 4


    Hi all,

    I've only had my HDR 2000T since last Saturday, and have had numerous crashes that now seem to be due to a confirmed bug with the Vintage TV channel. More on this thread:

    However, I've also attempted to record numerous Vintage TV programmes, and every one has failed. I now suspect this is due to the length of time it takes my wireless Internet connection to respond, so the HDR 2000T thinks the channel isn't on air and aborts the recording

    Anyone else had problems recording IPTV channels, and is there any way to allow this channel more time to appear before starting a timed recording?

    Many thanks!


    | Thu 23 Apr 2015 19:09:39 #1 |
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    special member
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    The HDR-2000T is a free to air DTT recorder. It does not record non DTT channels and that includes the IPTV channels.

    | Thu 23 Apr 2015 19:18:56 #2 |
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    new member
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    Thanks for the info Luke!

    I still find it weird that you buy a recorder that displays an IPTV channel and allows you to set up multiple recordings on that channel, but then every recording displays an error.

    If the HDR-2000T dos not record such channels it would surely be helpful for Humax to have an error message pop up to that effect?

    It's become rather academic anyway, as I ended up having to delete the Vintage TV channel yesterday evening due to the number of system crashes it caused.

    Even then the HDR 2000-T managed to throw a wobbly, as after deleting this channel my hard drive contents disappeared from view (nothing appeared when I pressed the Media button), despite a cold boot.

    Thankfully the HHD contents had reappeared when I switched back on a few hours later, so hopefully this Vintage TV related crashfest has finally come to an end


    | Fri 24 Apr 2015 14:14:42 #3 |

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