My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » FOXSAT HDR

Volume not working sometimes

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    senior member
    Joined: Sep '12
    Posts: 92


    Sorry for the newbie questions of late but i have only just started using my HDR after i dumped Sky+, now i have set the HDR remote to control TV and that's working fine but when i press the White PVR button and try to control the volume sometimes it works but sometimes it does not, there seems to be no reason for this, it fails to work on both HD and SD format.

    It IS a second hand unit, so i don't know if this was the reason for sale or is this just some weird thing unique to the HDR.


    | Mon 15 Apr 2013 22:06:00 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
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    Not controlling the HD channels is normal and standard advice is to set the volume on the Foxsat to maximum, perhaps backing it off a little to balance the level between HD and SD channels. Use the volume control on the TV or sound system for day to day, channel to channel, programme to programme use.

    But not working on the SD channels is curious. Are you using the TV or a sound system for sound. How connected?

    | Tue 16 Apr 2013 7:55:56 #2 |
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    senior member
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    I'm just using the TV and it's connected via HDMI cable


    | Fri 19 Apr 2013 2:18:19 #3 |

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