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WAV files would be nice

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    junior member
    Joined: Dec '11
    Posts: 7


    Have connected my HDR-Fox-T2 to my Hi-Fi today and streamed mp3 files from my PC. Sounds ok but how much better would it be if it could stream WAV, FLAC or at the very least Apple Lossless files.

    Can we expect a firmware update to allow this?

    | Wed 11 Jan 2012 21:02:26 #1 |
  2. myhumax


    senior admin
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    Posts: 453


    I don't think this is going to happen...

    The best you can do is to transcode these to MP3.

    Whitebear Media server can transcode WAV, FLAC and ALAC on the fly, and with v1.02.20 of the firmware, it works - apparently (not tried it myself*).

    *Another thing to test and confirm...

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 10:51:08 #2 |
  3. myhumax


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    Having had a chance to look at Whitebear, I don't think it is suitable...

    Whitebear Media Server is a very specialised Media Server application, that is specifically designed to interface with Logitech's Squeezebox music server (Squeezebox Server).

    Opps! Now let's look for a media server software that can transcode on the fly... anyone know of such a piece of software?

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 19:33:25 #3 |
  4. myhumax


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    Goodnews: looks like you can download Logitech Media Server software and install it without having a Squeeze Box.

    Badnews: still can't get Whitebear to work with the Humax! XMBC works and can see Whitebear and can playback flac, but the HDR can't see the Whitebear server only the Logitech Media server...

    I wonder if andrewfg is still reading this forum and can tell me where I am going wrong?

    | Thu 12 Jan 2012 21:18:30 #4 |
  5. myhumax


    senior admin
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    Posts: 453


    Hey! Got Whitebear to work (transcoding flac to mp3) - seem like the firewall was blocking the Whitebear server - so disabling it allow my Humax to see it. After connecting Whitebear should have that client entry in its configuration, and all you have to do is tick the boxes that does the transcoding on the fly to mp3 - the second and third tick boxes in the Client Compatibility Settings for the Humax client entry (see pic).

    You can download Squeezebox/Logitech Media server here - remember to install this first before install Whitebear (download here).


    1. whitebear.jpg (98.6 KB, 2 downloads) 13 years old
    | Fri 13 Jan 2012 17:29:30 #5 |

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