We were wondering if there is a need with Humax recordings' filenames to avoid certain characters - e.g. ":" - as in Windows.
i.e. when using the Web interface (webif), which characters should we avoid using in directories and filenames?
Can we use question marks & exclamation marks WITHIN the filename or folder name?
And should we NOT use specific characters, or spaces, or underline marks, etc. at the END or the BEGINNING of a filename or folder name? I seem(?) to remember this is not advised when file-naming in MS Windows. So is it the same with the Humax webif file-naming?
e.g. if a Humax file OR folder is named:
(i) "You Rang, M'Lord?", should we remove the question mark & replace it with an underscore or something else, or is it OK as it is?
(ii) "The Persuaders!", ditto re the exclamation mark.
This is relevant as we tend to move files from the Humax/es per se, to external USB drives, for storage. Which is where the renaming comes in, IF we plan to keep the file for a while.
by: to max a humax
[we own quantity 2: Humax HDR-FOX T2 (1GB)]