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Webif: characters to AVOID in files & folders?

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    to max a humax

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    We were wondering if there is a need with Humax recordings' filenames to avoid certain characters - e.g. ":" - as in Windows.

    i.e. when using the Web interface (webif), which characters should we avoid using in directories and filenames?

    Can we use question marks & exclamation marks WITHIN the filename or folder name?

    And should we NOT use specific characters, or spaces, or underline marks, etc. at the END or the BEGINNING of a filename or folder name? I seem(?) to remember this is not advised when file-naming in MS Windows. So is it the same with the Humax webif file-naming?

    e.g. if a Humax file OR folder is named:
    (i) "You Rang, M'Lord?", should we remove the question mark & replace it with an underscore or something else, or is it OK as it is?
    (ii) "The Persuaders!", ditto re the exclamation mark.

    This is relevant as we tend to move files from the Humax/es per se, to external USB drives, for storage. Which is where the renaming comes in, IF we plan to keep the file for a while.

    by: to max a humax
    [we own quantity 2: Humax HDR-FOX T2 (1GB)]

    | Fri 8 Jun 2018 19:31:22 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    to max a humax - 9 minutes ago  » 
    We were wondering if there is a need with Humax recordings' filenames to avoid certain characters - e.g. ":" - as in Windows.
    i.e. when using the Web interface (webif), which characters should we avoid using in directories and filenames?

    Are you referring to the web interface of the custom firmware for the HDR-FOX T2? If so you would be better asking the question over at where the real experts on the custom firmware are to be found.

    | Fri 8 Jun 2018 19:42:49 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Not sure what this means. If you can rename a file and it still works on the box, then any file name restrictions will apply to the file system on the drive used to copy the files to.

    | Fri 8 Jun 2018 22:13:06 #3 |
  4. aldaweb


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    If you are copying to an external drive for use under Windows then Windows filename restrictions would apply, otherwise as the filesystem is linux based avoid /
    For general rules read this from
    As Martin suggests for a definitive answer ask at

    | Sat 9 Jun 2018 13:14:39 #4 |
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    to max a humax - 15 hours ago  » 
    e.g. if a Humax file OR folder is named:
    (i) "You Rang, M'Lord?", should we remove the question mark & replace it with an underscore or something else, or is it OK as it is?

    If you had recorded a programme by that name the title would still have "," and "'" and "?" but the filename itself would have had "_" substituted for "?" by the native Humax software.
    Similarly for "New: You Rang, M'Lord?" the Humax software would have also substituted "_" for the ":".
    As windows can't cope with "?" as a general precaution I avoid attempting to use |/:*"<> and | in the file names.

    Whether the WebIf can cope does vary with context.
    But based on past experience if these are reported on the WebIf has so far been updated to cope with the characters and contexts reported.
    I think last time when I mentioned on 3 different exceptions af123 updated the code a few days later although at the time I thought at least one of the areas had been written by someone else.

    Obviously if someone will enhance what the WebIf can cope with, and how quickly, will depend on a number of factors but if no one reports any issues the author may not even be aware as we all have our own way of doing things.

    For example, I use filezilla to move things around and when a filename has a "?" or a ":" and I copy that file to a PC the filename will automatically change "?" and ":" to "_" without any thought or intervention by me. While someone else may use the web-if download function, which when I tried it just now appears not to be able to currently cope with the "?".

    As Martin stated in the first reply your question is best placed on, along with any reports where the web-if isn't handling special characters as well as it could do. The reason being that is the forum site that the authors and contributors to the web-if and associated custom software discuss the web-if.

    | Sat 9 Jun 2018 13:20:33 #5 |
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    to max a humax

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    Thanks, Luke, for your helpful reply: will look into this - & the other replies - in more detail when have time. Haven't time at present this summer to read further incl. re We were looking for a plain & simple answer, but maybe there is no such thing.

    | Sun 24 Jun 2018 21:34:42 #6 |

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