My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

What does the Purple light mean

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    Could anyone with the new 4000T models tell me what the Purple light means please. As I've been a Humax user since the first twin tuner model came out. I tried a 4000T model 15 months ago from a well known retailer but rejected it as it just locked up.
    However as I have had a humax since the first twin tuner model came out.
    I'm not willing to give up on humax yet.
    Before I go ahead and buy th 2 terabyte model can anyone please put me in the picture as to what the 3 colour lights mean. I've tried to ask Humax .
    However they just ask me on their instant chat what colour light's are showing.(this is on a box that I haven't got yet.
    I've found out that the red light means it's in standby, the blue light means its active or recording, But what does this purple light mean?
    (is it that purple shows its in active mode & recording or what else)
    I would be very grateful if someone could please put me right on this point, as I'm using a Panasonic PVR at the moment as a stop gap.
    Once again many thanks for your help.

    | Sun 13 Aug 2017 9:06:16 #1 |
  2. Stephenesque


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    You'll find your answer in this post in the FAQs:

    | Sun 13 Aug 2017 9:48:34 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    Purple means it is in Recording Standby mode. That is, it has woken up out of full standby ready to start recording a programme you have asked for it to record which may start a few minutes before (or after) the scheduled time as shown in the EPG so it needs to be ready 10/15 minutes beforehand.

    | Sun 13 Aug 2017 19:36:25 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    gomezz - 1 hour ago  » 
    Purple means it is in Recording Standby mode. That is, it has woken up out of full standby ready to start recording a programme you have asked for it to record which may start a few minutes before (or after) the scheduled time as shown in the EPG so it needs to be ready 10/15 minutes beforehand.

    So what colour is the light when it is actually recording?

    | Sun 13 Aug 2017 21:28:02 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    Red. But depending on the ambient light it is sometimes hard to tell the difference.

    | Sun 13 Aug 2017 22:04:58 #5 |
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    Many Thanks for all your Help. Now I'm in the picture I know exactly what I'm doing.
    Because of all your help I can go a head and get the 2 Megabyte model in a couple of weeks, and who knows I may be able to help someone else in the future.
    Once again a really BIG thank you to everyone.

    | Mon 14 Aug 2017 7:34:48 #6 |
  7. aciddad


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    Follow the link and believe Barry.
    The only thing I would say is Purple is from the Blue and Red being on together; on my box I get a thin Purple line where they overlap, but at least it is clear what state the box is in.


    | Mon 14 Aug 2017 15:02:15 #7 |

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