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What format for a USB drive for playback?

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    I have just bought a Humax FVP-4000 Nero to replace an ancient Topfield TF 5800, how I miss MyStuff. Can anybody advise on the format needed for a USB stick? I tried a 64GB drive formatted to Fat 32 on my Mac but that failed to load.

    I was very surprised to find that I can playback recording from a USB drive pugged into my Western Digital Live TV box via the Humax. The same drive is ignored when plugged directly into the Humax.



    | Sat 26 Aug 2017 16:23:45 #1 |
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    Just to bump it up the list. I still need to know what format a USB drive needs.


    | Mon 2 Sep 2019 10:03:24 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    DavidSteward - 2 years ago  » 
    I have just bought a Humax FVP-4000 Nero to replace an ancient Topfield TF 5800, how I miss MyStuff. Can anybody advise on the format needed for a USB stick? I tried a 64GB drive formatted to Fat 32 on my Mac but that failed to load.
    I was very surprised to find that I can playback recording from a USB drive pugged into my Western Digital Live TV box via the Humax. The same drive is ignored when plugged directly into the Humax.

    FAT32 should work if the partition table is MBR format but the maximum file size is limited to 4GB. The other acceptable formats are NTFS and ext2 or ext3. In all cases the partition table needs to be MBR.

    | Mon 2 Sep 2019 11:50:21 #3 |
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    Many thanks I can now use a USB drive with the Humax. I formatted the drive as FAT32 with MBR format. I use Mac OS so had to resort to Terminal mode to format the drive.

    Use diskutil list to get the disk name and number of the drive.

    Then diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 DISKNAME MBR /dev/disk# to format the drive. My drive was called 128GB and its number was 03. So I used diskutil eraseDisk FAT32 128GB MBR /dev/disk03


    | Tue 3 Sep 2019 19:29:12 #4 |

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