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When does the HDR-2000T use 'New' in the media list

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    Victor Delta

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    Can anyone please explain to me when the HDR-2000T chooses to save series link recordings in a folder prefixed with 'New -'? Some of my recordings are in folders named simply after the programme concerned, whilst others have a 'New' in front of them.

    I thought it must be something set by the broadcasters until the other day, when I had to retune the box to pick up the new channel for BBC4 HD. Until that point, all my recordings of Spiral had been saved in a folder called 'New - Spiral'. However, since the retune, they've been saved in a 'Spiral' folder (the original folder still exists).

    Why does this happen...? Anyone know?

    PS Brilliant programme Spiral in case anyone isn't following it!

    | Mon 22 Jan 2018 21:39:01 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Victor Delta - 6 minutes ago  » 
    Can anyone please explain to me when the HDR-2000T chooses to save series link recordings in a folder prefixed with 'New -'? Some of my recordings are in folders named simply after the programme concerned, whilst others have a 'New' in front of them.

    I think the folder name comes from the first recording made in the folder and persists even when the program is deleted. Hence Panorama recordings tend to get filed under random names.

    | Mon 22 Jan 2018 21:47:41 #2 |
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    Victor Delta

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    Thanks. So you are saying that the first episode in some series has the name 'New - xxxxx' in the EPG and so that becomes the folder name. Sounds very probable.

    But then I wonder why the new Spiral episodes didn't find their way to the existing 'New - Spiral' folder?

    | Mon 22 Jan 2018 23:48:12 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Victor Delta - 10 hours ago  » 
    Thanks. So you are saying that the first episode in some series has the name 'New - xxxxx' in the EPG and so that becomes the folder name. Sounds very probable.
    But then I wonder why the new Spiral episodes didn't find their way to the existing 'New - Spiral' folder?

    They should do. The first recorded episode names the folder, subsequent episodes are allocated to the folder by having the same series CRID code, whatever they are called. If they are in a different folder the broadcaster has changed the series CRID code. This means you must have set two serial reservations in the first place.

    A while ago ITV serialised all the old Bond films. The First recorded named the folder subsequent movies appeared in the folder named as a single movie.

    In this case guessing a new series crid has been used for BBC 4 HD now on COM 8 to avoid issues with having two versions of BBC 4 HD in the epg at the same time.

    | Tue 23 Jan 2018 10:31:00 #4 |
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    Victor Delta

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    Thanks for that explanation about CRID codes. Presumably it means that if you want you can edit the folder title and further episodes will still go to the same folder (now renamed)?

    I find the 'New - xxxx' folder titles pretty annoying as they muck up the alphabetical listing of recorded programmes. But, if I feel strongly enough about it, at least I can now see a possible solution.


    | Tue 23 Jan 2018 23:40:34 #5 |
  6. black knight

    black knight

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    You can always move all the previous recordings from their folder into the new one by pressing the red button (select all) and using Option+ to then move the programmes to the latest series folder.

    At least that way you'll have them all in one place.

    | Wed 24 Jan 2018 9:48:43 #6 |
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    Victor Delta

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    | Wed 24 Jan 2018 9:55:43 #7 |

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