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when is the Aura replacement coming?

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    special member
    Joined: May '17
    Posts: 157


    Does anyone know if Humax has a replacement for the Aura in the pipeline, please.
    the next Box will have tuners that aren't so sensitive.( I.E. the FVP5000t)
    And a better U.I with a much stronger processor on board.
    It's been several years since the Aura came out, and it seems Humax are still having problems with it.
    So, If my memory serves me correctly there should be one due in 2024.
    I hope so as our 5000t is getting a bit long in the tooth.
    Again, thank you for any information on this.
    As the Aura is totally unsuitable for us.
    Our 5000t has been fine, as is all of our TV tuners.
    It's just the dam Aura tuners that seems to be the Problem for us.
    Even talking to Humax they agreed that the Aura is just unsuitable for our Location.
    We tried 3 times, and each time we were eventually told to return the Box.
    On the 3rd,and final Box.
    they suggested a refund as they finally realised that It's not our signals at fault. but their box.
    I see that at the time of writing this.
    All Humax box's seems to be out of stock everywhere.
    Which, has meant in previous years that there is a new Model about to be released.
    Many Thanks for your time

    | Tue 12 Dec 2023 9:50:31 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    john1 - 14 mins ago  » 
    I see that at the time of writing this.
    All Humax box's seems to be out of stock everywhere.
    Which, has meant in previous years that there is a new Model about to be released.

    I think it means one of two things: either Humax are abandoning the UK PVR market or your theory. Is there anyone in the know who can tell us what is happening?

    | Tue 12 Dec 2023 10:07:44 #2 |
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    Posts: 364


    For what it's worth, just received an email from Humax Direct saying the Aura is back in stock.

    | Wed 20 Dec 2023 10:01:16 #3 |

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