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Which 1 TB drive is going to work with my FOXSAT?

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    Are there any specific 1 TB drives you'd recommend to work well with my FOXSAT for backup? Maybe they all work but I'd read things about drive speed and pins which make me nervous before I purchase one.

    I appreciate I will need to reformat to EXT3 whatever drive I use.


    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 8:16:40 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    There are no specific requirements for a external back up drive for use with a Foxsat-HDR unless you want to power the device from the Foxsat. If so a portable USB drive should be OK. The restrictions you refer to relate to the internal recording drive which should be a low power AV specced device like the WD AV-GP or Seagate Pipeline ranges.

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 9:11:39 #2 |
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    grahamlthompson - 52 seconds ago  » 
    There are no specific requirements for a external back up drive for use with a Foxsat-HDR unless you want to power the device from the Foxsat. If so a portable USB drive should be OK. The restrictions you refer to relate to the internal recording drive which should be a low power AV specced device like the WD AV-GP or Seagate Pipeline ranges.

    Understand, many thanks

    | Mon 1 Aug 2016 9:13:32 #3 |
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    I didn't manage to find a 1 TB external hard drive on amazon, 2 TB where out of stock so ended up buying a 3TB drive. Will I have to partition that to get the Foxsat to recognise it, or can I just format the whole 3TB as EXT3? Thanks

    | Tue 2 Aug 2016 10:24:37 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    scoobie - 39 minutes ago  » 
    I didn't manage to find a 1 TB external hard drive on amazon, 2 TB where out of stock so ended up buying a 3TB drive. Will I have to partition that to get the Foxsat to recognise it, or can I just format the whole 3TB as EXT3?

    That will depend entirely on the specific drive you have purchased. As a general rule drives larger than 2TB require a GPT style partition table which the Humax doesn't support but some external drives larger than 2TB use internal mapping to allow capacities higher then 2TB with a conventional MBR partition scheme. Summary, try formatting it as 3TB if that isn't recognised by the Humax then 2TB should work. Let us know how it works out and the make and model of the drive.

    | Tue 2 Aug 2016 11:09:11 #5 |
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    This is the external hard drive, though I don't know the model of drive itself which is hidden inside

    I formatted it as 3TB, EXT3. That didn't work

    Then tried 1TB Ext3, that isn't recognised by the Humax either

    I used mini tool partition wizard free to do the formatting.

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 5:01:23 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    scoobie - 1 day ago  » 
    I didn't manage to find a 1 TB external hard drive on amazon, 2 TB where out of stock so ended up buying a 3TB drive. Will I have to partition that to get the Foxsat to recognise it, or can I just format the whole 3TB as EXT3? Thanks

    There are dozens of them.

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 8:17:33 #7 |
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    grahamlthompson - 6 minutes ago  » 

    scoobie - 1 day ago  » 
    I didn't manage to find a 1 TB external hard drive on amazon, 2 TB where out of stock so ended up buying a 3TB drive. Will I have to partition that to get the Foxsat to recognise it, or can I just format the whole 3TB as EXT3? Thanks

    There are dozens of them.

    Aren't they all portable (ie require power from the USB), I thought Humax had a problem with doing that?

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 8:24:38 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    scoobie - 3 hours ago  » 
    This is the external hard drive, though I don't know the model of drive itself which is hidden inside
    I formatted it as 3TB, EXT3. That didn't work
    Then tried 1TB Ext3, that isn't recognised by the Humax either
    I used mini tool partition wizard free to do the formatting.

    What partition style is it using? Minitool Partition Wozard doesn't make it very clear but if it is Master Boot Record MBR (which it needs to be) then there will be an option to convert to GPT.

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 9:04:25 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    scoobie - 1 hour ago  » 

    grahamlthompson - 6 minutes ago  » 

    scoobie - 1 day ago  » 
    I didn't manage to find a 1 TB external hard drive on amazon, 2 TB where out of stock so ended up buying a 3TB drive. Will I have to partition that to get the Foxsat to recognise it, or can I just format the whole 3TB as EXT3? Thanks

    There are dozens of them.

    Aren't they all portable (ie require power from the USB), I thought Humax had a problem with doing that?

    The opposite, portable means the current used is within the spec of a usb port to provide power. There isn't enough power for non portable drives which require external power.

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 10:05:02 #10 |

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