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Which One?

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    I recently took back a 5000T as it was missing recordings (saying there was no power when there most certainly was!!) and restarting when watching catch up.

    I know from experience (and loads of posts on here) that both the 5000T and the Aura have their problems but I have a gift card from currys and they have no other TV recording options other than these two machines.

    Which to choose? Which is the lesser of two evils? I do like the Aura very much but I just wish the damn thing would work properly!

    Has anyone on here used both and which would they recommend?

    | Fri 21 Apr 2023 4:52:11 #1 |
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    Joined: Nov '16
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    I recently took back a 5000T as it was missing recordings (saying there was no power when there most certainly was!!) and restarting when watching catch up.

    I know from experience (and loads of posts on here) that both the 5000T and the Aura have their problems but I have a gift card from currys and they have no other TV recording options other than these two machines.

    Which to choose? Which is the lesser of two evils? I do like the Aura very much but I just wish the damn thing would work properly!

    Has anyone on here used both and which would they recommend?

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 7:49:34 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    itsallgood - 2 hours ago  » 
    Has anyone on here used both and which would they recommend?

    I have used both and I prefer the Aura. It has its quirks but it is usable as a PVR; I think the people who really hate the Aura are those who want to use it as a media centre and install third party apps.

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 10:25:48 #3 |
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    Isn't that what it's for, though?

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 11:49:00 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    itsallgood - 1 hour ago  » 
    Isn't that what it's for, though?

    It should be but those who want to use it in that way seem to find all sorts of problems. I use it as a PVR plus use the default installed apps to some times stream content.

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 13:30:00 #5 |
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    Ah - I see what you mean. Third party apps as in not the ones that are standard. Yes that does seem to be the problem.

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 13:57:31 #6 |
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    I went from a FVP5000 to an AURA and I am very happy with my purchase. It is head and shoulders above the 5000 in both its speedy interface and much better usability and features. I found the 5000 a solid performer, but with a painfully slow interface.

    The AURA had its issues in the beginning, but now mine works without any issue and does all I need it to - usual PVR duties, catchup services, PLEX/YouTube and streaming content to an upstairs TV running KODI on a Firestick.

    It seems that the people who are having constant issues are thinking it's a one box solution to all their very specific and individual needs, but no box will ever be able to do everything for everyone.

    I have recommended the AURA to friends and family and they are all very happy with them.

    Try it, if you don't like it, get a refund.

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 14:01:35 #7 |
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    Thank you for that, Harters. You have outlined pretty much everything I would be using it for. I think I will give it a go! Thank you very much.

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 15:16:21 #8 |
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    I have both the Aura and 5000, I find the Aura the better of the two but I do find the 5000 has been a solid performer as a recorder. As previously said the 5000 is slow compared with the Aura but I have been happy with both of them .

    | Sat 22 Apr 2023 15:45:56 #9 |

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