My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Why does update date show as 2014 with 2016 FW?

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    special member
    Joined: Jun '13
    Posts: 187


    Hi, just wondered why when using the latest custom fw the update date in settings still shows as 2014 and not 2016?

    is that normal?


    | Sun 25 Sep 2016 23:44:54 #1 |
  2. MontysEvilTwin


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    Posts: 240


    The latest firmware for the HDR-FOX T2 is 1.03.12 which, I think, was released in 2014. It is an old model now so I doubt there will be any more firmware releases.

    | Mon 26 Sep 2016 3:54:39 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    james_uk - 7 hours ago  » 
    Hi, just wondered why when using the latest custom fw the update date in settings still shows as 2014 and not 2016?

    That is the date of the standard firmware. It is important to understand that the custom firmware does not replace the standard firmware; it runs alongside it to provide additional functionality.

    is that normal?


    | Mon 26 Sep 2016 6:50:38 #3 |

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