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Wi-Fi Dongle for HDR-1800T

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    Hi Folks
    I took advice from some members here and bought a Humax WiFi-LAN compatible dongle "WHYFi USB Wireless Network Adaptor WHY0002" to connect my HDR-1800T receiver (purchased November 2021) to the internet.
    Once inserted there are two options: Configure WiFi and Configure LAN. You are instructed to select "Configure WiFi", but this is not highlighted and will not engage when attempts are made to select it.
    I configured LAN but this will not provide WiFi access. Any ideas please on fixing this problem before I return the dongle to Amazon?

    | Wed 21 Sep 2022 13:59:12 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Jimi - 2 hours ago  » 
    I took advice from some members here and bought a Humax WiFi-LAN compatible dongle "WHYFi USB Wireless Network Adaptor WHY0002" to connect my HDR-1800T receiver (purchased November 2021) to the internet.
    Once inserted there are two options: Configure WiFi and Configure LAN. You are instructed to select "Configure WiFi", but this is not highlighted and will not engage when attempts are made to select it.

    Can I check, did you have a network cable plugged into the Humax whilst you were trying to configure the dongle? If so unplug the cable and try again.

    | Wed 21 Sep 2022 16:15:25 #2 |
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    Donor £
    Joined: Sep '22
    Posts: 2


    Hi Martin,

    Many thanks for your amazingly quick response to my query.

    You hit the nail on the head and as they say, "I'm in".

    I'll drop a donation into the box to show my appreciation.

    Thanks again!

    | Thu 22 Sep 2022 9:35:58 #3 |

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