My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

will we get youview updates

(2 posts)
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    Joined: Nov '11
    Posts: 39


    I have just watched the BBC news bite about YouView which launched today using a humax box which looks pretty much like the HDR Fox T2.

    Given the lack of updates from Humax to include demand five and Ch4 ondemand and ITV player are we likely to see an update to our current boxes to give us access to YouView. Nowhere notes the boxes spec but it looks almost identical bar the YouView logo.

    if it possible and presuming hardware etc. is the same could the current updates be provided with updates from Humax or could someone provide alternate updates to enable the full range of new features.

    | Wed 4 Jul 2012 22:53:57 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 10,989


    Hardware is not the same and therefore a new box required for YouView I'm afraid.

    | Wed 4 Jul 2012 22:58:56 #2 |

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