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WISHLIST: Subtitles during fast forward

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    It would incredibly useful to have closed captions/subtitles displayed when fast forwarding/rewinding. Most people read a lot faster than they speak so it is understandable even at 4x (I sometimes watch foreign language material with non-optional subtitles this way).

    I would use this facility when watching, for example, the news. I could absorb the whole content of the evening news in a quarter of the time and then get on with enjoying life. It would also be really useful for those "previous, next, coming up" parts of programmes that annoy me even more than advert breaks.

    Any ideas if this is possible or coming soon?

    | Wed 15 Aug 2012 8:45:44 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Not something I would want to see prioritised ahead of more pressing issues.

    | Wed 15 Aug 2012 9:05:02 #2 |
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    sorbukar - 3 hours ago  » 
    It would incredibly useful to have closed captions/subtitles displayed when fast forwarding/rewinding. Most people read a lot faster than they speak so it is understandable even at 4x (I sometimes watch foreign language material with non-optional subtitles this way).


    What I do find is that some films are not suitable for this as the background music/sounds are essential for the feel of the programme.

    I was watching an episode of Putin, Russia and the West the other day. Were Putin was talking (in Russian) there were non-optional sub-titles insteadof a dub over. Switching on the Audio Description (using version 1.2.20 and SD) it gave a dub over in English, which meant I could then also got on and do some chores with out having to look at the TV all the time.

    | Wed 15 Aug 2012 12:31:36 #3 |

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