I see that YouTube has disappeared again from my 4000T and 5000T machines this morning. Hopefully it'll soon return as it did a few months ago.
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YouTube Down Again
(10 posts)-
| Wed 15 Jan 2025 8:42:51 #1 |
No youtube icon on my 5000T.
Youtube working OK on TV (Hisense) and Roku stick, with a who's watching screen
(similar to bbc iplayer)No problem on PC
Lets hope it won't take a week like last time
| Wed 15 Jan 2025 13:07:45 #2 | -
Thanks for replying. I've just emailed Humax and got a reply suggesting I do a full reset but I'll wait a day or two before going through that procedure.
| Wed 15 Jan 2025 13:50:09 #3 | -
Things are getting worse. Marcus at Humax replied saying try the factory reset anyway in case YouTube have done an update. So I'm trying to do the factory reset (which I've done in the past to cure a channel problem) but when I get to the 'PRIVACY POLICY, TERMS & CONDITIONS' there's just a blank screen u8nder that heading - there's no 'I accept' button to click on so I'm stuck there.
I've tried it several times but just get the same result.
I've now emailed Marcus again and await his answer.
| Wed 15 Jan 2025 15:59:31 #4 | -
Marcus at Humax tells me they've had many calls regarding the Privacy T's & C's missing, also of course the YouTube app and they are currently trying to resolve this.
| Thu 16 Jan 2025 13:58:39 #5 | -
I've also had an issue with the "Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions" being blank and I've just posted the following in the "Netflix disappeared from FVP 4000" thread:
I initially lost Netflix and YouTube this morning.
I tried a full retune, clearing the cookies and a few other things, however I was unable to accept the "Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions" - the page remained blank at all times.
Finally, I did a factory reset (keeping recordings) but it still doesn't work. The "Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions" page remains blank and all the Apps (including iPlayer) are now lo longer available.
However, I am able to access iPlayer by pressing the Red Button whilst on a BBC channel and I was successfully able to watch a program on the iPlayer so it proves that I am successfully accessing the internet (however the iPlayer option still remains absent from the menus).
Looks like I may have jumped the gun - the problem appears to be external and perhaps I should have waited and left it alone.
| Thu 16 Jan 2025 18:38:27 #6 | -
Seems the YouTube app is there but you can't get to it via the menu.
I can cast a video to it from my phone and it pops up on the 5000T. You can then stop that video and you are left in the app.
Not quite a full workaround, but better than nothing.
| Thu 16 Jan 2025 19:57:44 #7 | -
My latest email from Marcus at Humax this morning says they are fully aware of the problem regarding YouTube and also the blank Privacy page. The helpdesk has escalated it and hope to resolve it soon.
| Fri 17 Jan 2025 9:18:34 #8 | -
Looks like the apps are all back again
| Fri 17 Jan 2025 12:17:47 #9 | -
Yes all is now back and working correctly
| Fri 17 Jan 2025 12:33:30 #10 |
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