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Youtube no longer supported

(22 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    There's a video on Youtube when accessed by the Humax Portal on my HDR FOX T2 that says Youtube is changing and after the change it will not be supported by this device, I guess the HDR1800T and HDR2000T will have the same message,

    Any chance of a update from Humax ?

    | Thu 23 Apr 2015 11:23:20 #1 |
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    Devices that support HTML5 should be ok, from what I've read.

    | Thu 23 Apr 2015 11:41:34 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Seen another post from a HDR-2000T owner with same issue.

    | Thu 23 Apr 2015 11:44:37 #3 |
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    Ah. On further delving, it seems HTML5 is only a workaround for devices with a browser - i.e., access YouTube using th built-in browser.

    | Thu 23 Apr 2015 11:49:59 #4 |
  5. Doghouse


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    If I connect to YouTube on my HDR 200T it says YouTube is changing and I won't be able to access it on this equipment, once that has happened.
    This machine is only six months old. So what can we do to get connected again?

    | Fri 24 Apr 2015 14:32:36 #1 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Doghouse - 2 minutes ago  » 
    If I connect to YouTube on my HDR 200T it says YouTube is changing and I won't be able to access it on this equipment, once that has happened.
    This machine is only six months old. So what can we do to get connected again?

    See this thread.

    Admin edit: threads now merged.

    | Fri 24 Apr 2015 14:35:47 #2 |
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    I've only had mine a couple of months. That is pretty quick obsolescence!

    Eventually trading standards will catch up with this stuff I'm sure, but for now I think it will probably be a case of, "Oh, didn't we tell you about that? Oops. Anyway, really it's not our fault, why don't you try complaining to YouTube?"

    | Fri 24 Apr 2015 15:27:57 #3 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    DougF - 5 minutes ago  » 
    I've only had mine a couple of months. That is pretty quick obsolescence!
    Eventually trading standards will catch up with this stuff I'm sure, but for now I think it will probably be a case of, "Oh, didn't we tell you about that? Oops. Anyway, really it's not our fault, why don't you try complaining to YouTube?"

    Jumping the gun somewhat. So far there is no way of knowing if the boxes can be updated to retain the service.

    | Fri 24 Apr 2015 15:34:50 #4 |
  9. Doghouse


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    I've sent an e-mail to YouTube, but I'm not hopeful of a response.

    I've also e-mailed Humax, they're usually quite good.
    They helped me set up the wifi dongle as Virgin weren't that able. Humax advised the necessary ports that needed opening.

    | Fri 24 Apr 2015 15:41:10 #5 |
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    According to Google's Help page, some devices (notably older iOS devices, and devices running older versions of Google TV) can't be upgraded. Unfortunately, they don't explain why.

    If the no-upgrade-possible factor could be identified, it should then be possible to figure out whether the HDR-2000T is or is not capable of being upgraded.

    | Fri 24 Apr 2015 15:54:16 #6 |

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