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Youview app to end March 2020

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    senior member
    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 87


    Oh dear....
    The one thing that made the youview retail box useful is to end.
    The youview app will stop working at the end of March 2020.
    What a shortsighted incompetent desision.
    Search for the Youview app on Google play for details.
    Looks like my only option is to buy a £5/month TV option from Plusnet.
    Youview are moving away from supporting customers directly to supporting Humax/plusnet/bt/etc.

    | Tue 4 Feb 2020 21:28:12 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Dec '13
    Posts: 374


    Hi Bogbody,
    Welcome to the Humax forum. Yes it is very sad news & I was one of their trialists/loyal members on the forum, helping many people with problems each week. Rather an oversighted view from Youview. So who is going to development an App that allows users to continue using their Youview Pvrs that they paid good money for? I don't want to hear the various excuses regarding subscriptions, sales figures etc etc. We are living in 2020 & the Remote App I would consider has become a everyday device that many users, who are battling with life's stresses/income were happy using, until someone at the top of BT & Youview decided to reverse their fun/ruin their day! (Hope you are reading this Youview!) I personally wouldn't waste a single penny with anything linked to Youview at the moment. You never know what they will plan next. The NextGen software launched just over 3 years ago totally took the pvrs back further & they still are not completely setup as with the original Youview design. The only positive is the data linked to the cloud. Good luck in what you decide. John L

    | Wed 5 Feb 2020 15:26:35 #2 |

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