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9200T ending early

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    Martin Liddle

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    countryman - 1 hour ago  » 
    Interesting. This evening had my 9200 and also the Vestel ...both set for accurate record the same programme (Hustle). The Vestel start time was spot on but the Hummy lost the first 5-6 seconds.

    This has been done to death in the past. Extensive and thorough testing suggests that the 9200 starts later than a Vestel by a random amount typically up to 10 seconds but sometimes greater. The 9150/9300 behaved similarly up to software version 1.00.23 but 1.00.26 was intended to improve the behaviour but I haven't seen any reliable test results. My supposition is that the 9200 polls to check for a change in the running status at an interval of typically something like 10s unless it is busy when the poll interval increases.

    For the record the later HD models do a much better job with accurate recording.

    | Sat 4 Feb 2012 0:38:16 #11 |

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