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Help running humaxrw on 9300T please

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    Brilliant, thank you. Just had brief powercut from storm so will leave this until tomorrow and report back.

    | Fri 24 Aug 2012 20:37:13 #21 |
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    Ok, I've managed to copy the files over using the -n. It got hung up a few times with some '.av permission denied' messages but I've managed to rerun it for a few of these programmes with no issues. There is one programme remaining for which I only get one file copied (not the .elu one) but I seem to be able to play this file on my computer ok.

    I haven't reformatted yet, I will await your instructions.

    Many thanks.

    | Sat 25 Aug 2012 14:44:13 #22 |
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    I am a bit concerned about the errors you are seeing. It might be a problem with the cables or the disk itself. I wonder if Martin has any thoughts on this.

    | Sun 26 Aug 2012 9:31:11 #23 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    xyz321 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I wonder if Martin has any thoughts on this.

    Given that everything is copied off it might be worth running the manufacturers diagnostics on the hard drive. Emma, what make and model of hard drive is it?

    | Sun 26 Aug 2012 11:14:51 #24 |
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    It says Western digital WD3200AVVS. Let me know if you need any other info.

    | Sun 26 Aug 2012 11:43:52 #25 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I would try the Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows free download from Link to WD web site. Try running the extended test. If that passes then I think it is time to format the drive in the Humax.

    | Sun 26 Aug 2012 12:57:33 #26 |
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    I've finally been able to run this and have received the following message:
    Test found bad sectors that may be repairable.

    My options now are to close that box or click on 'repair'. What would you suggest?

    | Sun 9 Sep 2012 15:18:32 #27 |


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    Emma - 2 hours ago  » 
    I've finally been able to run this and have received the following message:
    Test found bad sectors that may be repairable.
    My options now are to close that box or click on 'repair'. What would you suggest?

    I would choose repair. A reformat will remain a later possability.

    | Sun 9 Sep 2012 17:37:38 #28 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    REPASSAC - 19 hours ago  » 
    I would choose repair. A reformat will remain a later possability.

    I agree that repair (which I assume will attempt to map out the bad sectors) is definitely the thing to do. If that works then format the disk in the Humax.

    | Mon 10 Sep 2012 13:33:04 #29 |
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    Thanks both.

    I tried repair and worryingly got the message that an 'error was detected while repairing bad sectors.' Contact a WD technician for support.

    Getting a little worried now!

    If it helps I don't really mind not putting the programmes back onto it, I have them on my hard drive and didn't realise how simple it was to watch them on the computer. It would be great if I could but really just anxious about being able to use it at all!

    | Mon 10 Sep 2012 20:01:05 #30 |

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