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Humax youview HDMI output is blank

(20 posts)
  1. nigelmercier


    Joined: Mar '13
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    My Humax youview box started showing a problem after an update on 25 October. I have set it back to maximum power save settings, and done a MMR-4 but it persists. There are two faults that may be related:

    [1] The HDMI output sometimes has a brightness uplift with a magenta hue, when this fault appears, the magenta hue is even there on standby.

    [2] The HDMI output blanks after all the Please wait etc messages, in other words at the end of the boot. When the output is blank, the display on the unit shows the channel as normal. I've noticed that the "Rec" segment is permanently lit, even when not recording. A bug, but may not be related.

    Sometimes the HDMI output will return after a few minutes, or will come up OK then blank. I have now confirmed that when the HDMI output switches back on, the box mutes the sound playback on the SCART output for several seconds.

    Fault [1] is getting less frequent, but [2] is getting more frequent, it now happens every time I switch it on. The SCART output is OK, but as I can't seem to get RGB on this I don't leave it connected.

    Powering down fully sometimes fixes it, as does going into standby, but it may take several tries.

    I have raised a ticket with youview, they referred me to Humax.

    If this is not sorted soon, I will have to return it under the Sale of Goods Act.

    | Mon 9 Dec 2013 18:18:41 #1 |
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    It's good to know I'm not the only one with the same fault/scenario.

    My Humax is back at John Lewis (the supplier) and as it's still under warranty being 11 months old, they're promised to fix it or replace it with 28 days. (That was two weeks ago....)

    | Tue 10 Dec 2013 13:23:39 #2 |
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    I have just had feedback from Humax ref RGB problem. I still use a CRT TV with Scart & reported the problem to them + also sent them a DVD video showiing the problem a few weeks ago. Well, today, their technical team/customer service dept have agreed that their is an issue. It was suggested that I simply switched box off for 1min 30 sec & all would be ok (!!). This is not acceptable & I am currently awaiting further feedback from Humax as I reply to this forum, as at today 10th Dec 2013. I think the problem has not been reported enough simply because most consumers use HDMI only & may not be aware of fault. Even so, RGB scart can also be used if connected to DVD recorder for copying recordings. You have to keep going into the menu to set RGB back to CBVS & then back to RGB & it resets itself until the next time! It is not the fault of the TV - I have tried PVR on various TVs & all do the same thing. My other Humax 9200 & 9300 never had thsi problem. Anyone else reading this, please test your box by switching off (not unplugging) & back on straight away & you will get same problem with RGB picture display on your TV. You can clearly see problem if you look at EPG & Menus: fuzzy or clear with RGB. If you do, PLEASE conatct Humax directly. I am sure with enough complaints they will take notice more!

    | Tue 10 Dec 2013 19:27:58 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    I am a bit puzzled, why would you want to switch off the box and turn it on again within a couple of minutes ?

    | Tue 10 Dec 2013 20:51:17 #4 |
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    there is nothing to be puzzled about. I found this fault immediately I purchased the Freetime box a few months ago. I reported fault to Humax & have only just received update today. Your Question: Why would you want to switch your box of & on again? Well, I didn't do it for fun (!). Sometimes you might put it onto standby, then simply remember to go back & want to either add something to schedule or even check something on tv etc. I just discovered this irritating fault & checked all my other PVRS & none of them do this. Everything else I have explained. Hope this answers your query & more.

    | Tue 10 Dec 2013 21:00:05 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    jdlfreetime - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have just had feedback from Humax ref RGB problem. I still use a CRT TV with Scart & reported the problem to them + also sent them a DVD video showiing the problem a few weeks ago. Well, today, their technical team/customer service dept have agreed that their is an issue. It was suggested that I simply switched box off for 1min 30 sec & all would be ok


    This is the youview section, believe you are describing and issue with freesat G2 unit.

    | Tue 10 Dec 2013 21:15:54 #6 |
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    | Tue 10 Dec 2013 22:25:00 #7 |
  8. nigelmercier


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    I've now tried a third HDMI lead, and it's looking good ...

    | Mon 16 Dec 2013 9:18:14 #8 |
  9. nigelmercier


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    I think I have cracked it. I replaced the lead (for the second time) with one of these. Two days and still perfect.

    | Tue 17 Dec 2013 11:22:16 #9 |
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    I always use the cheapest HDMI cables I can find (<£2 for a 2m) and I've never had a problem!

    I guess poor contact on the connector, or use of non balanced wires internally could cause problems.

    It might be interesting to hack open the bad cable and see how its constructed.

    | Tue 17 Dec 2013 14:30:28 #10 |

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