My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HD FOX T2

I hate Humax.....a lot.

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    Owen Smith

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    My parents sit about 3m from a 32" Full HD TV, and the difference from SD is easily visible. Upstairs they sit (or rather lie in bed) about 2.5m from a 24" Full HD TV, and the difference from SD is still visible though I'll admit it's no longer "easily" at this distance from a TV that size.

    Even upscaled SD can look better on HD channels due to the low bit rates used by some SD channels. BBC1 and BBC2 are OK in SD, but ITV1 is often appalling. I remember watching a Ray Mears programme where they kept showing his camp fire at night and during the day some babbling water in a stream with the sun glinting off it. Both of these shots looked absolutely terrible as they were a mass of square blocks. A couple of years later this programme was repeated and by then Freeview HD was broadcasting, and the uspcaled SD version on ITV1 HD looked so much better.

    | Sun 17 Aug 2014 11:57:39 #21 |
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    teded - 2 hours ago  » ...It's all a big con and a lot of spend your money hype.

    This, SD vs HD, is HD better or no better, has been debated at exhaustive length on just about every TV forum there is. The overwhelming opinion has been that it can clearly be seen to be better.

    | Sun 17 Aug 2014 12:15:09 #22 |
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    teded - 1 hour ago  » 

    It's all a big con and a lot of spend your money hype.

    OP- if you've now decided that you don't want to bother with HD after all, but you do still want online content, you might want to have a look at the Roku boxes (

    The non-HD versions (Roku 1 and 2) don't cost a lot and they would give you access to all the main catchup players, Youtube, Netflix, NowTV, etc. Or the cut-down Sky Roku, which is ridiculously cheap, has far fewer apps but does have catchup, Youtube, and of course NowTV.

    You could then buy a cheap but reliable SD PVR, with no IP capability, to do your time-shifting.

    | Sun 17 Aug 2014 12:25:51 #23 |
  4. chrisdaniels


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    So let me get this right.. You have gone from hating humax because the quality of hd was bad from your box to all hd is bad and just a con? Wtf?

    While the bbc one national news is on, go to channel 1, then flick to channel 101. Keep repeating until you realize there is a difference in quality.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    | Sun 17 Aug 2014 17:13:46 #24 |
  5. Wallace


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    Well said Chris.

    The OP might as well hate all HD box manufacturers. Every box has its good and bad points. Obviously, visual equipment need to have good picture quality. One man's meat is another man's poison.

    All I can reiterate is that if you can't tell the difference between SD & HD, there is something wrong somewhere. Whether it is faulty kit or just equipment that is not set up optimally.

    | Sun 17 Aug 2014 18:14:41 #25 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    I think the the OP should come clean and tell us the make model and size of the TV he is basing his postings on.

    My guess is it's a Vestel or rebadged equivalent and not from a quality TV maker like Panasonic or Sony.

    If so I agree with him the picture quality for SD or HD is dire

    | Sun 17 Aug 2014 18:24:38 #26 |
  7. gomezz


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    And likely connected using a SCART lead?

    | Sun 17 Aug 2014 20:38:10 #27 |
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    Owen Smith

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    gomezz - 8 minutes ago  » 
    And likely connected using a SCART lead?

    Probably a cheap nasty SCART lead that only connects Composite Video (plus audio).

    | Sun 17 Aug 2014 20:47:25 #28 |
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    Joined: Jul '14
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    OK, enough is enough.
    As Pollensa says,SD vs HD has been debated plenty.
    Many don't see the huge difference in quality, which has nothing to do with having crap equipment set up wrong or crap eyesight and defective brains, which some here rudely imply.
    I shall leave all you "special" memebers to be special with each other xxx

    | Mon 18 Aug 2014 8:57:38 #29 |
  10. gomezz


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    gomezz - 12 hours ago  » 
    And likely connected using a SCART lead?

    And I never got an answer to this question which is relevant as the SCART connection can grab the attention of the TV even if the box is also connected using HDMI so the viewer may think they are watching HD when they are actually watching it downscaled to SD.

    | Mon 18 Aug 2014 9:05:17 #30 |

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