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PVR-9200T software reinstallation

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    junior member
    Joined: Apr '14
    Posts: 6


    Hello, totally new here and a bit overwhelmed by all the possible routes to repair...

    Our 9200T has been working well for the past x years, apart from its habit of ignoring the remote from time to time.

    This week it made the usual recordings, but next day only the current day's recordings remained the previous recordings had vanished.

    Took out the drive connected it to my XP PC and ran humaxrw which showed the current recordings and around 60Gb of orphaned chains.

    The -r -l options didn't produce a file list.

    Replaced the drive in the 9200T and now no recordings showing.
    Would have formatted the drive but the 'Record' menus entry has disappeared.

    Contacted Humax support who sent instructions and link to WDN4OAK+, but no sign of the additional .hdf that the instructions say is needed, nor how these(?) files would perform with the drive in the XP, only serial or USB options.

    I've searched on this site but I must have missed the steps and software I need restore the operating system via the XP IDE bus.

    Hope you can help bring the 9200T back to life.

    Thank you.

    | Wed 30 Apr 2014 11:27:51 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    optics42 - 6 hours ago  » 
    I've searched on this site but I must have missed the steps and software I need restore the operating system via the XP IDE bus.

    You can't restore the software via an IDE connection as the software lives in flash RAM on the main board. All this sounds rather familiar; have I answered your question via email?

    | Wed 30 Apr 2014 17:35:50 #2 |
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    junior member
    Joined: Apr '14
    Posts: 6


    Thank you Martin,
    "... have I answered your question via email?"

    Yes and thank you again, I received an email from Humax with your link ~ 10 minutes after I posted here...

    | Wed 30 Apr 2014 20:37:51 #3 |

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