My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T


Remote control has stopped working - unit failing to respond.

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    Hi ... We have a PVR9150T , for a few years now ... Girlfriend loves it and won't let me get something new , although I must admit its been great apart from one thing ... Wait for it... yes you got it , the remote doesn't work sometimes. Especially on a Wednesday for some reason..? Weird

    Have read this topic and have tried most of the things mentioned apart from connecting to a PC. I just wondered , if I leave it on standby , are there still OTA software updates being broadcast for this model ?? Its currently on software 1.00.18 , system ID 3024.000... last updated on January 13 2010. All the tv and pvr etc are on remote control plugs so it has been powered off every night.

    Look forward to some advice !

    | Fri 6 Sep 2013 21:14:28 #351 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the forum

    OTA not being broadcast presently, so only option is to upload via PC.

    Software can be obtained from:

    For info on how to, and the easiest upload tool to use see:

    | Fri 6 Sep 2013 22:37:37 #352 |
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    Hi Barry Thanks for the welcome !

    Thanks for getting back to me with regards to the pvr9150 problems , sorry for the delay in responding ...I have been away .

    I will have a go at downloading the update and installing it on the unit... Quick question , the link to Tronisoft in the instructions ? The page it lands on ... is that the only cable I will need or am I right in thinking I will need a female to female null modem cable as well ..? And are Tronisoft reliable ? I assume they are as they are included in your link .

    Thanks again , look forward to your reply

    | Wed 18 Sep 2013 21:39:45 #353 |
  4. Barry


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    You will need both cables if you do not have a serial port on your PC.

    No experience of Tronisoft personally, but suspect Martin would not have included the link if he had any concerns.

    | Thu 19 Sep 2013 7:25:05 #354 |
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    Hello, I have a problem with my PVR-9150T 160GB machine in that I cannot playback recordings, this has only been the case since September of this year. Having selected a recording, when I press OK (or the single play arrow) “Exit “ shows for a brief period in the picture window of the Recorded Programme page but the PVR does not exit from this page. Now provided I do not press OK again (or press the single play arrow) whilst on that page I can exit from that page (using the exit or back button) and the remote will work correctly for all other functions, menu, guide, standby, channel change, record etc. If I do press play more than once whilst on the Recorded Programme page the remote freezes as do all the control buttons on the PVR itself. I then have to power off the machine using the switch at the back of the PVR in order to restore the use of the limited functions available.

    I have also tried using the OK button on the PVR when selected to a recording, in the hope that it would playback, but again there is the “Exit” message in the picture window and the same result.

    I have reduced the amount stored on the hard drive which now shows 30% free (I read that a near full HD can cause problems). I have checked my remote (using the digital camera method), it is ok.
    My machine status is:-
    Hardware version REV 1.0
    Software version HPTTF 1.00.26
    Loader version a 4.35
    System ID 3024.0000
    Update Date Jul 7 2011
    Slot 1 Empty

    I have always received OTA updates ok because the unit is always left in standby mode, as this last update was more than a year ago I cannot think that it was corrupted since my problem has only recently started.
    I have read through the long threads on this forum and have picked up lots of useful information but have not found any reference to my particular problem. I would be grateful for any helpful suggestions please.


    | Sat 9 Nov 2013 8:53:02 #355 |
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    Ampy - 50 minutes ago  » 
    when I press OK (or the single play arrow) “Exit “ shows for a brief period in the picture window of the Recorded Programme page but the PVR does not exit from this page.

    When starting programmes that way it is normal for “Exit” to show in for a brief period in the picture window and you then have to press “Exit” on the remote to get full screen. Do you not get a picture within the picture window when you try to play the recording for the first time? Is that the reason you are pressing Play more than once?

    What happens when you press OK or Play while in the Video or Audio list?
    To access the Video list slide down the panel which covers the botton 3 inches of you remote and then press the Play List button. The Play List button is on the top row of the hidden buttons, 2nd from the left.

    Have you tried resetting the Humax using the Default Setting option? If you do this you will have to retune and set up your schedule again but your recordings will remain intact.
    The Default Setting is accessed by
    MENU > Installation (default password 0000) > Default Setting.
    When you do this remember to make a note of your schedule or take photos of it, so that you can easily set it up again, once the epg has repopulated.

    Unfortunately I suspect that the programme index on your hard disk drive has become corrupted, but before going down that avenue please would you try the above two suggestions.

    | Sat 9 Nov 2013 10:05:38 #356 |
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    Hello Luke, thank you for the suggestions. I confirm that I do not get a picture, not even fleetingly in the picture window when I press the play button. I only get the “Exit” display, then a blank window.

    I have attempted to play from the video list and the result is the same as I get from Recorded Programme page. Pressing OK for the first time when in the playlist causes the broadcast programme to momentarily disappear then return with the playlist overlaid. At this point I can still operate the remote. On the second time of pressing OK the broadcast programme disappears and does not return, only the playlist remains. At this point the remote control buttons and PVR buttons fail to respond so I have to resort to resetting by powering off and on at the rear of the machine.
    Finally I have carried out the default setting and this too has failed to overcome the problem.

    If your suspicion that the programme index on the hard disk drive has become corrupted, how could this have occurred? Does this mean that I will need to format the hard disk drive?

    Thanks again

    | Sun 10 Nov 2013 20:55:11 #357 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Ampy - 39 minutes ago  » 
    If your suspicion that the programme index on the hard disk drive has become corrupted, how could this have occurred? Does this mean that I will need to format the hard disk drive?

    It is a common problem but nobody (as far as I am aware) knows the root cause. Yes the only realistic way of fixing this is to format the drive from the HDD Control item in the Record Menu.

    | Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:36:06 #358 |
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    I have now formatted the drive as advised and I am happy to report that my machine is performing correctly once more. Many thanks for your help guys, your advice to me and others has been invaluable. This is a brilliant forum which provides in depth solutions.

    | Fri 15 Nov 2013 7:54:33 #359 |
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    This thread appeared to be exactly what I was looking for to solve the problem of a non-working remote control. However, having just read through 35 pages I am very frustrated that NO-ONE has answered a very specific question asked by a number of posters regarding their remote controls not working and therefore being unable to input the 0000 code required to do a system software update!!!! Advice has been given to remove aerial from back of unit before turning it on, etc, etc, BUT .... when you get to the installation menu you still have to input the 0000 code before you can go any further, and with a non-working remote control you CANNOT DO THAT. I'd be very grateful if someone would categorically answer this question: is it possible to do a system update without inputing the 0000 code? I just need a very simple, yes or no.

    I've had a Humax PVR 9150T for about 4 years, and I often hear it start up at 4am when I assumed it was doing its usual software updates. However, I've checked my box tonight (accessing the menues using the buttons on the front panel of the unit as my remote doesn't work) and this is the information I discovered:

    Hardware version: REV 1.0
    Software version: HPTTF 1.00.26
    Loader version: a4.37
    System ID: 3024.0000
    Update date: July 2011
    Slot 1: Empty

    I'm quite shocked to see an update date of July 2011 and a software version of 1.00.26 because I regularly hear my box turning on for about 15 mins at 4am and now I'm wondering why, what the heck is it doing if it's not updating my software. It's always left on standby, so I know it should be updating......

    Ironically, a couple of days ago I told my brother that I think my Humax is on its last legs because it's recently started acting up; skipping parts of recorded programmes, sometimes losing up to a minute on a number of occasions during a single recording, sound and visuals going out of sync, and turning itself on from standby for no reason, ie, no recordings imminent. This, together with periodic problems with the remote control freezing/not responding. I've just returned from a few days away to hear my Humax purring away merrily, even though it was left on standby and nothing was recording/or due to start recording. Very odd. Plus, the remote control has definitely died. It's not a battery problem - I checked - and I did use the advice about checking with a digital camera (no light showing from my Humax remote and just to check I was doing it right I also tested 2 other remotes and saw the light coming from both). The buttons at the front of the unit work fine, so it's definitey a problem with the remote, rather than the unit.

    I would have liked to have done a manual software update just to be sure there is no hitch with signals between the unit and remote, but, as many others on this thread have pointed out (and practically BEGGED someone to respond to them!) it's not possible to enter the necessary 0000 code to access the installation menu to do a manual update, unless someone can explain if it's possible to bypass the code?

    Is there a definitive way to check that the problem does indeed lie with a faulty remote control, and if so can I be guaranteed that the Humax system will still work without hassles once a new remote control has been purchased and a manual software update has been achieved???? Or, should I just give in and buy a new system .....

    Sorry if I sound narky. I've spent hours online tonight looking for an answer to my problem and was disappointed that the same question I've got went unanswered when brought up by other posters with the same query.

    So, someone, PLEASE put me out of my misery and give me an unambiguous answer before I cave in an spend money I don't have on a replacement Humax

    Many thanks, (a very grumpy!) Abby

    | Sat 28 Dec 2013 1:00:06 #360 |

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