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1010S lots of questions

(7 posts)
  1. ronb62


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    Just installing my spangly new 1010S. All the standard stuff no problem. Updated to the latest firmware and even got 4oD !
    Now the questions:
    It took many attempts to get the box to see a USB stick. It helped when I walked away for 20 mins unplugged it and plugged it back in again whils t on a TV channel it immediately found the USB stick!

    Q1 The box sees nothing (stick or drive) when plugged into the back USB slot, even one that works when plugged into the front- is this correct?

    Q2 When trying to play media files it doesn't seem to like (not supported) all my formats e.g: avi what formats are supported exactly?

    Q3 networking- my box is connected via Ethernet and can see my pc's on my network (I have many) how do I get it to see media files on those comps? ( I have a mix of win7 pro and win8 )

    Q4 As it is on a network and can see other p.c's Is there a method to download recorded programs from the box to my p'c ?

    Q5 When trying to play media files it gives me the option of drive then type i.e. USB or HDD(internal) then music/video or pictures . How does one get these onto the internal drive?

    Q6 recorded progs. How do you transfer these onto USB pendrive or USB-HDD I have tried selecting a recorded prog in the recorded list but do not get any copy to feature?

    Apologies if any of these are covered but I have tried looking. The Humax website is not detailed nor is the documentation that comes with the box. Answers to these questions together may help more newcomers Thanks in advance

    | Thu 4 Jul 2013 13:46:29 #1 |
  2. -gonzo-


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    Don't know about the rest but as far as copying to a USB device goes, its not currently a supported feature.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2013 13:51:14 #2 |
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    ronb62 - 11 minutes ago  » 
    Q2 When trying to play media files it doesn't seem to like (not supported) all my formats e.g: avi what formats are supported exactly?
    Q3 networking- my box is connected via Ethernet and can see my pc's on my network (I have many) how do I get it to see media files on those comps? ( I have a mix of win7 pro and win8 )
    Q4 As it is on a network and can see other p.c's Is there a method to download recorded programs from the box to my p'c ?

    For the box to see media files your PC needs to be running a media server...

    However, don't bank on your box then playing that media as my experience is it's a complete guess as to which files it will actually play. Some AVIs play, others don't. Some JPEGs display, others don't. I can't get any MP3s to play.

    AFAIK, No, you cannot transfer recordings off of the box to your PC.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2013 14:02:46 #3 |


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    Q1 No - both should be identical. Stick formats supported are FAT32 and NTFS - NTFS is not supported for updating firmware.

    Q2 An avi is a general container and can contain anything. The DLNA client should support MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 for video, LPCM for AUDIO (MP3 is an optional format which plays fine on my unit) and JPEG for Pictures.

    Q3 If you are running Windows Media player then you need to add the folder paths to the library.

    Q4 No.

    Q5 I forget how, but it does get you copy them from a USB stick. It is also possible to copy then back as well. These files are on a separate partition of the disk from recordings.

    Q6 There is no function to do this and the partition they are on is protected with an encrypted file system.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2013 14:21:40 #4 |
  5. ronb62


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    Great response thanks
    The back USB port remains blind to any device. I will plug on with this. It would be nice to have an external HDD at the back out of sight.
    The suggestion using media player works great-Thanks !
    My MP3 collection plays fine now!
    Re playing or transferring from the box I will keep playing. The Iphone was supposedly similarly locked out too but this was eventually sorted- using winSCP I think- maybe with a little playing! I have found some method but it uses Linux or telnet (my memory nowadays!!)
    Thanks to all again

    | Thu 4 Jul 2013 19:23:08 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ronb62 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have found some method but it uses Linux or telnet (my memory nowadays!!)

    Make sure what you are reading refers specifically to the HDR 1010S as different Humax boxes have different capabilities in this respect.

    | Thu 4 Jul 2013 20:38:32 #6 |
  7. ronb62


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    OK thanks, I will be careful re relevance

    | Fri 5 Jul 2013 20:11:11 #7 |

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