My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

1100s limit recordings to "only wanted"

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    The HDR-1100s keeps recording most of the time, so that you can see programs from the beginning (if you so wish).
    Even with sound-damping feet under the unit, I keep hearing the HDD-head moving.
    Is there a way to stop this type of (to me: useless) recording and have it ONLY record those programs that I want?

    | Mon 29 Nov 2021 8:56:31 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    rbs45 - 35 mins ago  » 
    The HDR-1100s keeps recording most of the time, so that you can see programs from the beginning (if you so wish).
    Is there a way to stop this type of (to me: useless) recording and have it ONLY record those programs that I want?

    I don't think so but hopefully someone with more knowledge of Freesat will be able to confirm.

    | Mon 29 Nov 2021 9:34:27 #2 |


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    Check in the hidden settings:
    Settings General Info Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Blue

    I have a memory of being able to disable buffer functions - this would also disable pause.

    | Tue 30 Nov 2021 14:18:19 #3 |


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    `It was not a hidden setting. Look in settings > general > recording > recording Buffer. (default is: On, set to Off to disable)

    | Mon 13 Dec 2021 15:32:33 #4 |

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