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31 Oct & problems with HDR-1000s

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    Joined: Oct '12
    Posts: 14


    Dear Sirs,

    I am giving the organisation the benefit of doubt and sorry to have to report more issues, if it remains faulty within 3 weeks from now I will be taking the box back for a full refund and look at other platforms.

    Tonight’s issues

    I set two recordings today with my new <FreeTime> freesat box and I have discovered that they have failed.

    1)Wednesday 31st 13:15 a 30 min program on Channel 5 when I came home in the evening to watch the show it said:
    ‘Wed 31 Oct 13:15 – 13:15 Failed and a triangle with ! in it on the guide’

    2)Wednesday 31st 4HD 18.30 for 30 minutes, when I came home to watch the show it said:
    ‘Part Recorded 13/30 mins’

     No overlapping and no power cut so no explanation as to why they failed

    Oh if only I could afford SKY+ HD !!!

    I have discovered that rolling back in time does not work correctly, maybe you need to send the lady with the purple lips from your advert to check out the box as she is 97 and can operate this box better than anyone.

    I am giving the benefit to Humax and freesat to explain or sort out before I make my mind up and take the box back to the store for full refund.

    I hope someone bothers to respond as to what is going on.

    Kind Regards

    | Thu 1 Nov 2012 1:12:21 #1 |
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    This is the one box that I don't yet own (saving up), however it didn't seem to handle the clock changes recently very well. Something that Apple, HP and Sony etc. etc. have all struggled with in the past, it happens unfortunately.

    I'd advise a factory reset or similar back to default settings as it seems to have got a bit messed up, the sooner you do this the better, set a few test recordings and let us know how you get on. I can't see it fixing itself on its own without a power reboot or factory default reset or similar.

    Re. sky rubbish, I agree, it'd be nice to be able to afford it, if I could I'd take it and go on holiday with it. I've just recently woken a friend up to the fact that she was spending £600 a year on sky+hd, she now has a Humax and loving it

    | Thu 1 Nov 2012 1:49:02 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    1. Thread title edit to remove capitals which are considered as shouting in internet etiquette.

    2. There was no problem with the clock change as far as I am concerened, with the exception of the clock on front display which is now correct

    Test timers I set to:

    a. Start before and end after change - recorded ok
    b. Start at 1am - recorded OK

    | Thu 1 Nov 2012 7:43:42 #3 |
  4. aldaweb


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    HEYABC - 18 hours ago  » 
    Dear Sirs,
    I am giving the organisation the benefit of doubt and sorry to have to report more issues, if it remains faulty within 3 weeks from now I will be taking the box back for a full refund and look at other platforms.
    I am giving the benefit to Humax and freesat to explain or sort out before I make my mind up and take the box back to the store for full refund.
    I hope someone bothers to respond as to what is going on.
    Kind Regards

    I trust the OP realises this is a user forum and not a feedback channel for either Humax nor Freesat.

    If he requires a response from either he should contact them directly.

    Feel free to post with any problems which can be solved with the vast experience on hand though.

    | Thu 1 Nov 2012 19:51:55 #4 |
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    I can't really get in tune with these users who say "found some problems so the box is going right back". This is my first HDR of any kind (previously a Sky subscription-free box with attached VHS, ancient eh) and I have found it well built with a nice set of features and superb picture. Sure I have found problems as reported here but right now I am considering it a work in progress which will come good with progressive f/w updates. I have used SKY+HD in others properties and found that it too had a variety of bugs.

    | Fri 2 Nov 2012 14:51:01 #5 |
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    Agree - I suffered with so many bugs in my sky+ box, from crashes to super-slow series link, to random sound cutouts during playback, that frankly anything is better than Sky IMO. The best thing about the hdr1000s is that it isn't an awful Sky box!! I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. My sky box is in pieces on the floor ready to go to the tip - I salvaged the (*extremely* noisy) hard drive, the rest is rubbish.

    | Fri 2 Nov 2012 20:20:24 #6 |


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    souporjuice - 33 minutes ago  » 
    Agree - I suffered with so many bugs in my sky+ box, from crashes to super-slow series link, to random sound cutouts during playback, that frankly anything is better than Sky IMO. The best thing about the hdr1000s is that it isn't an awful Sky box!! I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever. My sky box is in pieces on the floor ready to go to the tip - I salvaged the (*extremely* noisy) hard drive, the rest is rubbish.

    Now also think about the electrciacl savings you will make.

    | Fri 2 Nov 2012 20:54:50 #7 |
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    Ken bob

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    I think that once humax have had a chance to iron out the bugs this will be a grate piece of kit.

    | Fri 2 Nov 2012 20:58:54 #8 |
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    Humax have a history of listening to their users and correcting problems with software updates. Keep them informed and give them time to fix and you like myself wiii enjoy the results over many years

    | Fri 2 Nov 2012 23:15:42 #9 |

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