One of my 4000T's, won't pick up channel 10 (ITV3). It's been like that for quite a while - long before the changes.
The other one picked it up normally.
When I do a channel search, I remove the coax first, and scan. This should bring nothing up,,,, but should also wipe out any problems/duplicates etc. I then replace the coax, and do a proper scan. Been doing this for years.
one of the remotes is playing up. Some presses wouldn't get anything (no red light),,,,, then it would be o.k for a couple of times,,,, then it wouldn't. Obvious check was the batteries. They were fine, but I put new ones in anyway - to Noah Vale.
Like lots of others, I've replaced remotes about 5 times,,,, they don't seem to last very long !
Advice on either probs appreciated.
all the best