My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

5 Star Review in what hi-fi mag

(18 posts)
  1. brian


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    pharmacologist 51 - 19 hours ago  » 
    Do you know why this Hummy is getting reasonable - "even good reviews" when it is so bad compared to the previous offerings?
    Kind regards........... John.

    Probably because it is really quite a good product.

    | Fri 12 Feb 2016 16:16:25 #11 |
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    pharmacologist 51

    Joined: Nov '15
    Posts: 31


    Hi Brian,

    It would really cheer-up Humax if you told them of your unique opinion; this was my last exchange with them...


    from Humax...

    Hi John,

    Many thanks for providing these details. We do have an update due towards the end of this month but with some issues still being investigated there is a possibility it might be pushed back to ensure issues are fully resolved.

    Again thank you for providing these details as it will help us greatly.

    Best Regards,

    Humax Customer Support


    | Fri 12 Feb 2016 20:24:00 #12 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    pharmacologist 51 - 1 day ago  » 
    Hi Graham,
    Re. "That's nothing to do with Humax. It's a standard for both Freesat and Freeview. They stay in the schedule for 13 weeks after the last programme is recorded (The broadcaster can add a programme to the series in this period - eg Christmas Specials Like Strictly Come Dancing). After 13 weeks the broadcaster can recycle the crid codes for a different series. As a result they will auto delete if you haven't manually deleted them".
    Very many thanks, very useful to have that explained. Do you know why this Hummy is getting reasonable - "even good reviews" when it is so bad compared to the previous offerings?
    Kind regards........... John.

    I don't have the box so not in any way qualified to comment other than it does seem to require some software improvements. However having used Humax boxes for a long time hopefully Humax and Freeview will eventually sort it out.

    I currently have a Foxsat-hdr, a HDR-1000s and two HDR-Fox T2's in service. They all currently reliably work as they should. The Foxsat dates from 2008, all of them had various significant software issues on launch, now long sorted out.

    | Fri 12 Feb 2016 22:06:24 #13 |
  4. Barry


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    pharmacologist 51 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Hi Brian,
    It would really cheer-up Humax if you told them of your unique opinion; this was my last exchange with them...

    Not unique, I thought the review was ok.....

    | Fri 12 Feb 2016 22:18:17 #14 |
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    The 13 week auto recording schedule delete is interesting as on my 1000s I have a couple of items from last June and one from May?????

    | Fri 12 Feb 2016 22:49:22 #15 |
  6. Davygogs


    Joined: Dec '15
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    I would give it a good review too..........Must be one of the lucky ones!

    | Sat 13 Feb 2016 9:04:44 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    Faust - 10 hours ago  » 
    The 13 week auto recording schedule delete is interesting as on my 1000s I have a couple of items from last June and one from May?????

    Interesting, I must admit I do have a clear out long before 13 weeks has elapsed.

    | Sat 13 Feb 2016 9:11:33 #17 |
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    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 

    Faust - 10 hours ago  » 
    The 13 week auto recording schedule delete is interesting as on my 1000s I have a couple of items from last June and one from May?????

    Interesting, I must admit I do have a clear out long before 13 weeks has elapsed.

    Another minor bug I have found with my 1000s is a recording on a Monday evening at 8.30 pm. It comes up in the recordings as a failed recording with a start and stop time approx 1 minute apart. As far as I can see it's Panorama. I have a feeling it used to be set for SD then I moved it to HD. Oddly it doesn't do it every Monday only occasionally. I did try a clean up but it still happens.

    I've gone through all the schedules and there's nothing there so I assume it's an orphan file or similar. It's not the end of the world but I do hate mysteries. Probably being going on for the last couple of years.

    | Sat 13 Feb 2016 11:14:49 #18 |

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