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5000T problems

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    I'm getting to the point of binning this device in sheer frustration - To be fair it may be a case of the box is slowly dying but I am getting increasing problems with it
    Had to do a factory reset and retune as there appears to be no obvious way off telling the box which region you want Since then

    1.) Can cannot accept privacy terms no ticks in boxes and no way of moving to boxes on tos page to place a tick -every function key on remote seems to work elsewhere. So no catch up services. Not the bug where no text is displayed its there just there is no cursor function! tried every key on the remote!

    2) guide taking upwards of 15 minutes to load has access to internet and means you can not record anything until the guide loads - also the guide seems to reload itself every few hours even if unit isn't powered off.

    If these are just the symptoms of a dying box does the Aura suffer from the same feature on the guide ? No recording until the guide is loaded? No Netflix on it is annoying but not a deal breaker but 15 minute waits are.


    | Mon 16 May 2022 16:50:43 #1 |
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    It is recommended that you set up a daily Power Timer on BBC1 for about 20 minutes in the morning (say 0700-0720) to populate the EPG. ("F" key, Settings, System Settings, Power Timer).

    If you lose the catch-up EPG (I think that is what you are talking about at one point) usually deleting cookies brings it back ("F" key, select "Players", select the "i" button top right, press "+" and follow the prompts).

    Maybe these will start to resolve the problems you are seeing.

    In common with many PVRs, the 5000T does have its failings, but you would probably not be any better off with other models, just facing different issues.

    | Mon 16 May 2022 17:51:33 #2 |
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    Regarding region selection, the best thing to do is find out which transmitter you need to be receiving for the region you want (assuming that transmitter is actually available to you). Then find out the UHF channel numbers used for each multiplex (Mux) on that transmitter. (Use and your post code to get the numbers from the "N" column in the detailed section for the transmitter)

    Importantly, next take photos of the list of any scheduled recordings you may have set up, because the next stage will delete them Existing recordings are safe.

    Delete all tuning data from the box. Then carry out a manual tuning procedure one-by-one for each of the UHF channel numbers that you noted.

    Then reprogramme your future recordings, using the photos for reference.

    After that, ignore any suggestion for retuning again unless something really important is happening (don't bother with retuning for minor Ch number changes, nor Christmas temporary name changes).

    | Mon 16 May 2022 19:54:23 #3 |
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    Thanks for the help in regards to the tuning region it is a pain in the rear as it defaults to Liverpool region and Liverpool TV by itself on things like channel 7 but some times if you tune it will also have That's music as 7 instead ( I actually prefer that). I can get that on 91\92 * instead but it's stupid you can not select the region yourself.

    * Depending on weather which itself is ironic as I can literally see Winter hill out the window. but can't really blame Humax for that!

    | Mon 16 May 2022 20:35:24 #4 |
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    There are at least two local Mux on Winter Hill (L-MAN and L-LIV - I have a vague recollection there may be a third), so I guess you need L-MAN. The UHF channel for that is 24 as against 21 for L-LIV. It sounds as if you can receive both in your area, and it sometimes selects 21 and sometimes 24.

    So it is not really about region selection as both are from the same transmitter and in the same region. So, you may only need to delete the channels from L-LIV (I don't have the details for them) and manually retune UHF Channel 24.

    Edit: I have found that there is also a local Mux for Preston (L-PTN) on UHF channel 40.

    Edit2: I have just found that there is a 4th, G-MAN on UHF 27. But I don't know what TV channels each (21, 24, 27 and 40) carries on 7.

    | Mon 16 May 2022 20:53:33 #5 |

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