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5000T recordings disappeared, disk shows about 65%

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    For some reason, all recording have disappeared. This often happens when starting but they appear after a minute. This time, they are not reappearing.

    I tried powering down and rebooting, but no luck.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.

    | Thu 27 Apr 2023 18:02:27 #1 |
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    Clearly, the data is still on the disk, but it appears to be the index that is corrupt.
    As the unit is no longer under warranty, I decided to remove the hard drive with the hope of recovering the data at some point in time using the utilities on my PC.

    I've installed a spare hard drive and it's recording fine.
    The 5000T has a new lease of life.

    | Sat 29 Apr 2023 9:24:32 #2 |
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    Recovering the data in a playable way could be difficult. If you can repair the index on the removed drive without touching the data files at all you may succeed - if you put the drive back in the Humax or plug it in a USB caddy. All the video files will be encrypted and can only be watched on the original Humax, so don't be surprised if files won't play on your PC.

    | Sat 29 Apr 2023 13:35:31 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    poshsimon - 4 hours ago  » 
    Clearly, the data is still on the disk, but it appears to be the index that is corrupt.
    As the unit is no longer under warranty, I decided to remove the hard drive with the hope of recovering the data at some point in time using the utilities on my PC.

    What I would try is to boot your PC from a Live CD or USB with a modern Linux distribution and try using the file system repair tools and looking at the SMART data. Happy to do it for you if you wanted to send me the hard drive.

    | Sat 29 Apr 2023 14:05:05 #4 |
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    Thanks all, I appreciate all the suggestions.
    I'm aware that the data is encrypted, and unlikely to be playable anywhere else.
    I have a PC and a Linux machine so will give that a go. I just need to find the power supply for the caddy!

    | Sun 30 Apr 2023 11:07:22 #5 |
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    poshsimon - 2 mnths ago  » 
    For some reason, all recording have disappeared. This often happens when starting but they appear after a minute.

    That got more and more common for me. The disk was 85% used. I deleted a whole bunch of recordings till the disk was at 65% and the problem went away.

    | Thu 20 Jul 2023 0:14:01 #6 |
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    Thanks JohnH27, I couldn't delete anything as the index showed nothing there to delete, but the display showed 65%.

    The spare hard drive isn't working so well, or it's a problem with the device. I suspect the spare HD has a lot of bad blocks. I get "loss of signal" and the recording freezes. It sometimes takes ages to return to a screen I can take any action. I've found that if I skip past the point it freezes the recording continues just fine.
    Clearly, it's not fine, but i'm putting this trouble down to the replacement hard drive.

    Most people wold just give up and replace the device, which is what i'm considering, but, for the price of a replacement hard drive it may give the 5000T a new lease of life. Getting a new HD is not as easy these days as they seem to be refurbished devices. I'm reluctant to spend a lot on the HD as i'm planning to take a gander at the Manhattan product when it eventually launches, especially as there appears to be nothing coming from Humax.

    | Thu 20 Jul 2023 10:39:24 #7 |
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    This happened to me last night. Over 300 recordings, but my hard drive disk space is now 96% free.

    Usual power downs haven't brought them back. Same situation this morning.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



    | Fri 4 Aug 2023 4:43:49 #8 |
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    It looks like the No Recordings message is a sign that the disk is failing. Copy off anything you want to keep because soon the disk will fail totally and you will not be able to get any recordings off.

    My disk has finally failed completely.

    The sequence, over a few months, was that I got the No Recordings message but waiting a short while brought them back. The waiting period grew longer and longer. Test Disk ran overnight without completing.

    Deleting recorded programmes down from ~90% utilised to ~60% utilised seemed to fix it but, after a few weeks, the No Recordings message came back.

    It then failed completely. I couldn't see any recordings from my PC. Test Disk ran for hours without completing. AT one point I had 4 recordings in the list whereas there should have been hundreds. A few minutes later the 4 disappeared and the disk was completely dead.

    In desperation, I tried to Format the disk but format did not work.

    I took out the 2TB disk and plugged it into my Windows 10 PC and the PC did not recognise it at all. I could not format the disk on the PC.

    I had an old 500GB Seagate Pipeline disk lying around (as one does) and put it in the FVP-4000T. It did not recognise any of the recordings I think were on the disk. I formatted the disk and all was now OK.

    So, the No Recordings message is a sign that the disk is failing.

    | Tue 19 Sep 2023 17:00:19 #9 |

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