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9150 File Transfer

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    Is there any way to transfer files from a 9150 to other or CD?

    | Fri 1 Nov 2019 15:09:34 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    AlanH - 1 hour ago  » 
    Is there any way to transfer files from a 9150 to other or CD?

    Yes. Either you can take out the hard drive and connect it to a PC and use humaxrw to transfer the files to the PC; this will give the best quality. They can be played from the PC or copied to any storage medium that takes your fancy (you only need the .ts file). Alternatively you could feed the input to a DVD recorder (or a PC with a USB video capture device attached via the S-video leads) and play them back and record them.

    | Fri 1 Nov 2019 16:37:23 #2 |

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