My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

9150 Not recording - 15 minute standby problem

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    Hi - As normal my 9150 (1.00.26 firmare) comes out of full standby 15 minutes before a scheduled recording.

    If I switch on the box during this period (so that I can watch tv or check guide/schedules) then put it back into standby before the recording has started, the scheduled program is not recorded. And if its a series link, the series link is deleted from the schedule. The PVR shows the Standby led as green, the timer led as green and the HDD spins down.

    Is this a known issue? I can of course not put it back onto standby until the recording has started or is there another fix?



    | Thu 10 Apr 2014 10:27:41 #1 |
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    bobbobbly - 1 hour ago  » 
    ... the scheduled program is not recorded.

    It's also has been the same on a 9200T. I treat it as just one of those things to work round.

    I have had the situation where I was expecting this fault but then I noticed it did not occur and I could not trigger it intentionally. I was beginning to wounder if it was just my imagination or if it only happend on old versions of the software.

    I wounder if it was fxed in the 9200T but not the 9150T. I'll have another go at reproducing this at the weekend on a 9200T.

    | Thu 10 Apr 2014 12:10:53 #2 |

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