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9150T 9300T trouble

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    Hello everyone

    New on here.

    We have in our house 2 9150Ts and one 9300T

    we have had all three l am guessing at least 2/3 years.

    Over time all three have got worse and worse in their functioning. They stick. freeze, won't rewind/fast forward and randomly reload themselves. They are at times painfully slow to even put up the guide and oh well generally very frustrating .

    Now me, l am the most computer and techie-illiterate person ever

    So in April l telephoned humax and got a person who said all my software was out of date....embarrassingly so at that...each had to be sent to them at a cost of £30 per set to be upgraded. Interesting that all three had managed to 'escape' the 'signal' that had apparently been sent.

    Ok says l, l will send them one at a time. Arrange for the first to go. Have to be in ALL day 8 am till 6pm. take time off work. Package up set according to instructions. No-one there by 4pm have kid emergency and need to leave house. ring humax. We aren't expecting till tomorrow they say. Wont be here l say so arrange to be collected from husbands work 2 phone calls and a dash over to his work with the boxed up set. Deal with kid problem then half hour later van arrives at mine to collect set.No-one tries to collect it from husbands work the next day
    This was it's september. Rang them this Monday asked to speak to a supervisor (have now accrued enough a/leave to take another day off)still waiting for a call back anyone know any easier ways to sort the issue out???

    Don't think they are going to ring me...

    Sorry about the waffle....


    Toni xx

    | Thu 15 Sep 2011 15:00:25 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    Keep an eye out for OTA updates as listed here:-

    That your boxes were not updated when the last OTA update was broadcast suggest that they were not put in standby during the time of the broadcast. Are you in the habit of keeping them permanently fully on?

    You can also update these PVRs yourself by downloading the new firmware to your computer as described here:-

    Note that the serial cable referred to is a "null-modem" cable rather than the more common straight-though cable.

    | Thu 15 Sep 2011 18:24:26 #2 |
  3. aldaweb


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    If the PVRs were left on (not in standby) then they wouldn't have found the update(s). The update is only downloaded when the boxes are in standby AND if automatic updates are set to on. It is possible to manually search for updates but only when they are being broadcast. The DTG site (link) has a timetable of updates.
    Unfortunately I think you have missed the latest batch of broadcasts for those 2 PVRs.

    You can update using a serial null modem cable after downloading from Humax Support site though you would need a PC with a serial port (RS232) or aUSB to serial converter.

    | Thu 15 Sep 2011 18:25:27 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    frogmorton - 3 hours ago  » 
    Interesting that all three had managed to 'escape' the 'signal' that had apparently been sent.

    I would guess that you do not put the PVRs into standby overnight. they have to be in standby to automatically update the software. I can quite understand that you don't feel capable to update the software yourself but do you not have any freinds or relatives who are a bit more computer literate? My instructions for doing the update are at

    | Thu 15 Sep 2011 18:26:45 #4 |
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    Just noticed that OTA updates are going on this week for 9300t and 9150t models (26th to 30th September). Just leave your humax in standby and it should update with new software and hopefully speed things up a bit.

    | Mon 26 Sep 2011 19:40:48 #5 |

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